The Past & The Present.

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Katniss' Pov:
Although my water had just broken, I couldn't feel any pain yet. I ran as fast as I were able to the Effie, clutching to my belly.

"Effie! Effie! Haymitch!" I shouted as I burst through the door.

"What? What's the matter?" She asked trotting over to me.

"My water broke. I'm in labour." I said puffing.

"Oh my goodness! We need to alert Haymitch and get to the hospital." She said helping me to the car.

"Ok, but what about Peeta? He's at Caesar's and I have not idea where that is." I said in a worrying tone.

"We'll pick him up on the way, I know where he lives. Don't worry." Effie said.

Suddenly another sharp pain hit my stomach and back.

"Arrr!" I shrieked out in pain.

I kept on wincing. I felt like hell. Stomach ache made this look impossible. I had never felt pain like it, but I knew I would be rewarded.

"Head to the car. I'll have someone bring your hospital bag." Effie said.

"Haymitch! Haymitch!!" Effie screamed. I had never heard such volume escape her mouth.
I heard the stomping of feet, as Haymitch came rushing down the hallway.

"What? Whats the matter?" He asked in a hurried tone.

"Katniss' waters have broken. You need to get her hospital bag from her bedroom and run to the car as fast as you can. We're picking Peeta up on the way from Caesar's. Now hurry? There's not a minute to lose." She said returning to her usual state of mind and speech.

"Ok, I'll be with you in the car in 2 minutes." He said, sprinting back to my bedroom.

Effie was still clutching to my arm, almost as if she wanted to protect me, but from what I don't know.
Me and her climbed into the car, as fast as I were able.

Haymitch quickly joined us.

"To Caesar Flickerman's house then the Capitol hospital, and fast." Haymitch said to the driver.

He nodded and put his foot right down on the pedal.

As we were exiting the Palace gates, I felt another contraction. It was hell again. The quicker the contractions came, the more I wanted to push. I'd heard some labours take 3 days, like woman my mother used to help with, but I could see mine taking 3 hours, if that. This baby was coming and it was coming fast.

As the pain increased, so did the volume of my screams, moans and wincing.

"Hold on dear." Effie said.
"How...arrrr!!" I couldn't take it. I needed Peeta.

"About 5 minutes away my darling. We'll beep the horn and shout his names so loud the heavens above will hear us." She said making me smile slightly, but then I just returned to my scrunched up face.

Breathe Katniss. Breathe. In and out. In and out.
I repeated this process many times, until I did the action without thinking. Yes, I had reminded myself to breathe, but I had died so many times that being alive was now hard; like everything was pretend.

Just before we reached Caesar's house, I felt another damp surge rush down my leg. This time it wasn't amniotic fluid, but blood. Oh my goodness, blood. At least 2 litres of it. My trousers were stained with blood and completely drained with a red colour. I felt terribly dizzy. I looked down, nudging Effie.
My breathing became rapid with short intervals.

"Effie! Haymitch! This isn't supposed to happen!" I shouted.

"Oh, my dear! We're so close to the hospital. If you can hold on, we'll be there in no time." She said trying to remain calm, but her manors had turned out to be quite panicked and fretful.

My breathing slowed down, as I felt more and more dizzy. My eyes were slowly closing.

All I smelt was Haymitch's scent, as I fell asleep in his arms...

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