Not friends, family.

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Katniss' PoV:
There she stands, with her son. He posses the auburn hair of Annie and the brown eyes of Finnick. Peeta looks stunned, by so happy to be there.

"Hey Peeta." She repeats.

"Annie..." he says as he runs up to embrace her and Finn.

They endured in a long hug, full of comfort. I could imagine in the Capitol, in their cages, that Johanna just sat muted, but Peeta and Annie probably chatted for a while; trying to keep the other alive with coaxing words such as 'just hang on' and 'we'll be home soon.'

Both their voices were so calming. Me and Peeta were both overjoyed at her greeting.

They pulled away, and Peeta stroked Finn's cheek, leaving him giggling. Finn was slightly older than Rose but only by a few months.

"It's so amazing to see you both." She said.

"You too Annie." Peeta replied.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"Well rumours get around and I would like to be here for the wedding..."she said.

I had to pause for a moment and think what she meant.

"Congratulations!" She said giving us both hugs.

"I'm so incredibly happy." She said still gleaming.

"Than you Annie. Let me guess, Effie?" I asked.

"Yes. She can't keep a secret for longer than a day." She said smiling.

"I wanted to be here. To watch my 2 best friends get married and be happy." She said.

"We're not friends, we're family." I replied correcting her.

"We always will be. Annie I was wondering if you'd like to be my bridesmaid?" I said.

"Oh my gosh! I'd love to!" She said running up and giving me a hug for the third time today.

"How's Finn?" Peeta asked.

"He's good. Everyday he reminds me of his father. Finn's taught me to be brave and to keep on going." She said trying not to cry.

"He's always up above, watching us. Don't you worry." Peeta said.

"Yes. I'd like to think so." She replied.

"Let's go and tell Effie and Haymitch that you're here. They'll be so happy." I suggested.

"Of course." She agreed.

I quickly wrapped a blanket around Rose and Annie did the same to Finn.

We stepped out the door and walked across to Haymitch's house.

Peeta leaned forward slightly and knocked on the door.

The door opened, to reveal a myriad of colours. One thing is for sure, that it wasn't Haymitch.

Hey guys! I wanted to know how you are finding the story! Feel free to leave any recommendations and I'll be sure to consider them! See you next time! X

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