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Peeta's Pov:

As the train was nearing the bend, which gained vision into the Capitol, Katniss backed away from the window not wanting to see the view of crumbled buildings and ash rising from every blocked street. She was holding onto her huge belly, voiding towards the chairs which was a smaller height than the window ledge. The morning sun was shining on her face, making her appear to posses a glisten across her entire body. I walked up to her, touching her back.

"It'll be ok. You'll be back in no time. Paylor said the tribute parade location was still standing as it never had any pods placed near it and was too near the mansion for any bombs to be blown up. It'll be fine. You'll see Effie too. You can tell her all about the baby." I said calmingly.

She just nodded quietly.
Stepping off the Capitol train, we were greeted by Commander Paylor.

"Hello Katniss. Peeta. It's a pleasure and blessing to have you both here today." She said shaking both our hands.

"Today we will be overlaying everything and planing as to where you would like to do the speech and run over what it is you're going to say to Panem in a weeks time." She said.

Me and Katniss both nodded.

"Whereabouts are we staying?" Katniss asked.

"Our meeting will take place in the mansion, but you will be sleeping in the Presidential Palace." She said.

"Ok, can me and Peeta share a room?" She asked.

"Of course. Congratulations on the child. It's great to see you two bringing your child into a world of peace." Commander Paylor commented.

We both smiled.
She directed us from the train into a car. It was like the car we rode in, in the first games; when I cried.

We arrived at the Presidential Palace. It was a little grey and dull, but it was quite homely. Walking up the steps, Katniss struggled. I had taken every piece of luggage or item (excluding clothing) off of her to make it easier but she was still struggling. Haymitch followed us, with his belongings.

Katniss' PoV:
Walking up the few steps was torture. My legs were having to carry all this weight of another child. Me indulging my face with Capitol chocolates didn't help at all.

When we got to the top of the stairs, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. My stomach was incredibly heavy.

"Lets unpack our stuff and go see Effie." Peeta said to me.

We made our way into the room. As I opened the door, I saw Effie standing there. She had her flamboyant dress on, a pale pink colour with strips of coral pink running through it. Her hair was frizzy with accents of gold running through it.

At first she landed her blue pupils on mine, gleaming trotting up to me in her high heels.

Then all of a sudden, half way through the room, she stopped, staring at my stomach. Her mouth was wide open and she gasped very loudly.

"Katniss! Oh my gosh! You're're pregnant." She said running up, doing her best attempts to give a hug.

"And is Peeta?" She said hinting the answer.

"Yes. He's the father." I said laughing, giggling and gleaming to the heavens.

Effie leaned over to Peeta and kissed him on the cheek.
"Congratulations! How are you both? What's the gender? Where are you having it?" She asked all in a hurry.

"We're...ok." Said Peeta hesitantly.

I was ok. I expected all the symptoms of pregnancy; sickness, dizziness, nausea, aching. I expected the nightmares of Prim's death.

I was ok, but Peeta was not. He was crumbling at every angle of vision...

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