Chapter 12

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"Scarlet!" Lakota was at my side in an instant. "What happened! Did someone hurt you!?"

All I could do was sob.

"Scarlet! Is it really you! They told me you died!" his voice was still as soothing as ever. I looked up, tears still falling.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm s..."

"Shh. It's not your fault. I'm ok."

I took a deep breath and managed to stop sobbing. However, tears continued to fall. "But your leg?" I asked standing up.

"It's ok. There was nothing you could do. It's not that bad. Just a flesh wound." He said with a smile pulling me into a hug.

"I am just glad you're ok. We had just got the news of the attack on the guards when the wolves came and attacked here," He said.

"Were there any survivors?" I asked needing to know about my friends.

"Yeah. There were four survivors. I met them. They are pretty shaken up. A husky, a pit bull, a little scruffy dog, and a Rhodesian Ridgeback."

I smiled, happy to know my friends were safe.

"The armies were attacked as well. We think the wolves are headed to the palace next! We are getting an army together from all of the provinces to go across the river and put a stop to the wolves. You in?" Kade asked

"Wait! That's his plan! He is going to kill the king then get all the provinces to go kill the last of the wolves! That what he meant by my kind won't be around for much longer!"

"What are you talking about!?" Kade asked, his face filled with confusion.

I told him everything that happened from graduation to the attack to finding out about being a wolf.

"Wow! So that wolf you told me about at the river was real!"

"Yeah! Uh, actually he is right here. Kade meet Lakota, Lakota this is Kade."

"Wow! It's nice to meet you. A real wolf! I am meeting a real wolf!" Kade exclaimed.

"Kade! I am a real wolf. You have known me my whole life."

"Oh right! Wait! How are you going to stop Thor!?"

"I am going to need help, from everyone. Kade, I need you to get the survivors from the guard attack and all the living dogs and tell them to meet here. Lakota, I need you to go to all the packs and get them on our side."

"No! I cannot leave you unprotected!"

"Lakota this is an order. Need I remind you who the alpha is. Besides, I have Kade and my other friends. I will be fine."

Lakota smiled before bowing and running off. Kade trotted off to do his job. Soon my guard friends came running up to me. They tackled me, licking and nuzzling my face.

"We thought you were dead!" They all yelled.

"I know. But right now I need your help. We need to get as many dogs on our sides as we can. Go to the other provinces and talk to the dogs, tell them what has happened."

"What if they don't believe us?" champ asked.

"They will! The other provinces have wolves living with them. They know wolves are no different than dogs. Please! I need your help!"

"Ok, we will do it. For you!" Saige said.

"Thank you! When have recruited who you can lead them to thunder hollow that is where we will meet. Thank You! Be Safe!" I said. Then I sent them on their way. Now it was my turn to convince my people.

Soon they all gathered in the market square. Only around 100 had lived. Thor had whipped out almost half our population. I took a deep breath as I climbed onto one of the overturned carts.

"Hi everybody. I know now is really not the time you want to have a meeting or a big speech but this is important. I know many dogs have died but many more will die if we don't do something." Cheers rang out in the crowd. "But we cannot do it the way you want. Those animals that attacked were not wolves, they were dogs. I know I have no evidence but I know what a wolf looks like and those were no wolves..." I told them what I saw and about Governor Thor.

"Why should we believe you! We don't know what wolves are like! They don't live with us!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"You would be surprised. You all have known me my whole life and you have lived in harmony with me."

"Yeah but you're a dog," Someone else yelled.

"No! I'm not. I am the daughter of Red and Ebony. I am a wolf."

The crowd erupted with yells and curses and disbelieve.

"Please! I need your help.!" I yelped as dogs began to leave the market.

"I'll help!" I smiled as my mom and dad walked to the front.

"I'll help!" Mrs. Sharry yipped.

"Me too!" Mrs. Elsie said as she and her family came to the front.

Slowly dog began to come to the front. They stopped leaving, turned around and joined us. Soon almost all the town had joined us.

"I know I am asking for a lot but if you help me then wolves and dogs can once again live in harmony!" Cheers flowed through the crowd.

I knew the next few weeks would be hard but we would be ready. I lead them to thunder hollow and across the bridge. There we met the other provinces and the other packs.

I breathed unevenly as I looked around at all the dogs and wolves.

"You can do this! They followed you! They want to help!" Kade reassured me.

I took a deep breath and climbed the rock the overlooked the group below. Murmurs and gasps rolled through the crowd as I stepped in front of them.

"That's red's daughter!" I heard a few wolves whisper.

"That's the wolf!" A couple others murmured.

"I want to start by saying thank you for following, believing, and trusting me. If you had come to me a month ago and told me I would be standing in front of dogs and wolves about to lead them to battle I would have laughed in your face. Three weeks ago I was just a normal dog living a normal life. Two weeks later I woke up in a strange place to be told that everything I thought was true was not. I guess that shows how blind I really am. But aren't we all blind. We all stood by and watched the wolves be kicked out. A wise wolf once told me, 'You should start asking more questions instead of blindly following lies.'" I smiled and nodding towards Lakota. "We have all been blinded, myself included but it is time to take off the blindfold, ask questions, and stand against what is not right!" Barked and Howls echoed through thunder hollow.

I smiled as I climbed off the rock. This was my pack, my people and we were ready to take back our home!

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