Chapter 6

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† Gustavo †

The rain dampened his mood considerably, as he stepped into the tavern two streets from where he truly wished to be and found a seat by the window.

Why Parry had insisted on meeting here was beyond him, but Gustavo could only be glad for the company. He needed his friend to guide him, for it became more difficult with each passing night to keep his distance from the Promise of Pleasure.

His mind was full of self-recriminations. If he had only not stayed that first night or risked getting to know Finnegan. If he had not kissed him or lingered to see him greeting that city guard with such a happy smile.

Gustavo's stomach swirled with discomfort, as he waited for the Prince to arrive. He ordered a mug of blood for them and waited impatiently.

It had already been three weeks since he had last set eyes on Finnegan and, though not the wisest man alive, he knew that he must make a decision soon or fate would make it for him. If he waited too long, Finnegan may forget about him or grow angry with his continued absence.

So lost to his thought was he that he did not notice the shrouded figure taking the seat opposite. Not until a gloved hand pressed to his forearm, startling him.

"Where has your mind been, my friend?" Parry asked, good naturedly.

"I cannot say," Gustavo confessed, as that was the centre of his problems. "I fear that it has gone wandering without me."

Parry chuckled and lifted the mug on his side of the table, to take a sip. "Thank you for the drink," he said, with a smile. "And for meeting me here. I was in the vicinity visiting Doctor Appleby, so it was a convenient detour," he explained.

Gustavo nodded, but still felt deflated. He had taken the wrong turn at almost every juncture, since first meeting Finnegan and was relieved when Parry asked him to summarise their relationship, once again.

For the next hour, he ran through everything they had ever discussed and everything the brothel worker had made him feel. He confessed to every thought and feeling, every doubt and hesitation that prevented him from courting the lad or even continuing their friendship. He needed someone else to tell him whether he should pursue this avenue of romance or not.

"You are such a fool," Parry claimed, shaking his head, while keeping his voice low and refraining from drawing attention to himself. "I cannot believe you had the love of this boy in the palm of your hand and let it go! What I would not give for someone to love me as this lad seems to love you. And yet you hesitate!" he complained.

Gustavo hung his head, but did not deny it. Parry only spoke the recriminations he had already endured from his own conscience. "It is true. I cannot deny it," he confessed freely. "But the boy frightens me. I have never met a lad so sure of himself and what he desires from the future."

"What is there to fear?" Parry demanded.

"What would happen if I gave in to the chemistry between us, only for the lad to fear me?" Gustavo asked, explaining his concerns. "He has confessed his revulsion concerning feeding, so what should I do? Feed only in secret, when he is not there? Feed from another, when our emotions would make it necessary for me to feed only from him? All because he could not bear to offer his blood to me?" He labelled every worry and fear that had crossed his mind these past few weeks, in the hopes Parry could answer each one. If he could, then he may return and attempt to grovel for forgiveness at Finnegan's feet.

But his friend did not answer his concerns.

Parry remained silent and thoughtful, holding his mug in both hands.

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