Chapter 3

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† Elex †

"Spencer!" Norman cheered as he skipped down the last step of the staircase and rushed towards the Royal Consort.

Spencer crouched and caught Norman, as any other parent would, anticipating his every move. "I am glad to see you are not in low spirits, little one. It has been a most frightening day, has it not?" he asked, clearly needing to ensure Norman was not suffering the fear of knowing someone had invaded their home.

As it was, Elex was only just holding onto that reminder, in the wake of seeing Rence again. He had almost forgotten everything that had happened this day, at the sight of him. Now, he crossed to where Norman was confessing that he had slept through it all, and waited until Spencer stood.

"Thank you for coming, but you should not be out and about so early in the day," he objected, feeling close enough to the man that he could say such things, without feeling shame for speaking to the Royal Consort in such a way.

Spencer waved his protest aside and looked him over from head to toe. "I had to make sure you were both safe. The moment the guards called to report the incident, I had Reagan bring me straight over," he explained, looking exasperated. "I must confess, it never occurred to me that anyone would attempt to rob the library. I thought I was the only one who loved books so much."

Norman chuckled, in just the right place, bringing a smile to Spencer's lips.

It was the lightening moment they all needed. "If you will excuse me for just a moment, I must speak to the commander and give my report of the incident," Elex said, excusing himself to go do that awful task.

Thankfully, it did not take long and within ten minutes the guards, including Rence, had vacated the library. A man had been sent to secure the front entrance, so Spencer opted to stay until the job was done, just in case.

"Would you like a refreshment?" Elex asked, backing away towards the staircase, now that the excitement had died away. Truthfully, now that the library was quiet again, it felt as though he may have overreacted, before.

Spencer nodded his agreement and followed him to the apartment rooms.

"I have some hot chocolate that will help relax us all," he offered, knowing that Spencer had as much of a sweet tooth as his son did.

"That would be wonderful, thank you." Spencer took a seat at the dining table and cooed over Norman's drawing, thereby entertaining his sleepy son for a moment longer.

They had their hot chocolate in relative silence, though Elex could see a host of questions burning behind Spencer's eyes. He did not voice them until after Elex had returned Norman to his bed and closed the bedroom door.

"Would you care to tell me why Rence almost railroaded over the entire guild to check on you, after I arrived and asked after your safety?" the Consort asked, a hint of mischief behind those large eyes telling him that he had a rather good idea.

Elex winced at the thought. So, he had told Rence who was within the building and the guard had thought only of Elex's safety. It reminded him of the young man Rence used to be, but did not mesh well with who he had become the moment they were caught together.

"Rence and I were boys together, growing up in Ruiseart our whole lives, living just a few doors from one another," he began, staring down into his hot chocolate as he tried not to let the emotions run away with him. "We were close our entire lives, but became even closer once we became of age."

He knew he did not need to hint further, because Spencer's brows raised in understanding.

"You were lovers?"

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