~Part III.~

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Confusion filled your head, but you couldn't move just stare at him, like a dead fish in the pond, after the strom. You will highlight this day with red marker in your diary, because one thing for sure, it wasn't ordinary at all. After the burglary you thought nothing will suprise you, but the simple fact, that Hyunjin wanted to say something to you, made your heart sink:

- I'm listening, what is on your mind? – you asked, when silence stood between the two of you again. Hyunjin avoided the eye contact with you, there was a hint of pinkish color on his cheek from embarrassment and it was absolutely matching with his cute headband.

- I think, I made a huge mistake and maybe this mistake is connected to the burglary... - he admited and when he looked at you, you could see the pure quilt in his eyes. Woah, you were more than amazed, what he is trying to tell you?

- Mistake? What did you mean by that?

- Look... First of all, I'm truly sorry what I did! – it's started to become even more brutal, than it was before! You were really trembling at this point.

-Couple of days ago, Felix missed an important practise, no one could reach him. He turned off his cellphone. Of course, he said he was with you... But, isn't it strange? Friends are usually not spending every single day together! This is what lovers, not friends do! I thought you two are secretly dating and for some reason, maybe because of his career, he decided not to tell us. – he stopped here and avoided your eyes again:

- I was at a bar, with my friends, after a long and busy day. We met some of our fans there, they were so excited to see me.. I mean, I don't blame them, I'm extraordinary from every prespective! But still, they acted a little bit crazy, especially one of them. She was aking me about Felix and she was very fierce...

- I'm sure she was gettin on your nerves. – you said, with an understanding tone. Hyunjin simply nodded and he continued like that:

- She really wanted to find out, who is Felix currently dating with. At first I simply said that I don't know. However, she still asked me the same question over and over again and then I lost my remaining patient. Without even realizing it I told her about you! – if you are guessing it right, Hyunjin thinks that this crazy fangirl is the responsible for the burglary? Well, it's maybe gave explanation for that oddity that she didn't take anything from your flat. Mabye, she was searching for evidences, that you two are dating? In that case... and then it crossed your mind, you had a photoalbum in the drawer! It was full with your best memories, of course it's included some picture with Felix and you together as well. You didn't check your drawer, maybe she took the album? You need to know! But one thing, really made you angry:

- Why did you talk about me? Even, if I'm Felix's girlfriend you shouldn't expose your friend like that!

- I WAS MAD AT HIM! He skipped the practise for Double Knot and it was an important perfomance! Also, I don't like your so called "friendship" with him!

- Can't you tell me why are you hate me so much?! I never did anything against you! – Hyunjin furrowed his brows, like a wise and old sensei, who drowned in his own world of thinking. You waited patiently for the answer, which never came, he quickly changed the topic:

- I just wanted to say sorry for this, I'm not here for chatting with you anyway! Because of the quilt, I couldn't get my beauty sleep but now I'm getting sleepy from your boring attitude!

- What „attitude"' are you talking about?! You just told me, that maybe an insane sasaeng broke into my house because your tongue is slipped! You are really able to sleep after this?!

- Exactly, because it's none of my business I just helped you and gave you a direction, where you can start investigating for the culprit! You should thank me! You are so ungrateful Y/N! - this arrogant jerk, you just wanted to scream in his face!!

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