Chapter Two - 'all you're ever gonna be is mean'

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As always, Kath's weekend came and went only too quickly. This particular Monday, however, it seemed even more odd to be back at school, her weekend having dissipated far too hastily.

Beside her, Vanessa was scowling into the distance. Her brown hair falling on her forehead, Vanessa was by far the prettiest girl in the school, not that she'd ever know. As far as socializing went, she flunked every aspect of it. When boys spoke to her, she shut up completely, when girls spoke to her, she let out her crazy streak, when teachers mentioned her, she glimmered with pride. She was a nerd, and her beauty couldn't save her from that.

“I know you're annoyed at me,” Kath began, “but you could at least try to understand.”

“You're full of clichés, you realize that Kathryn?” Vanessa replied, a smile whipping across her face.

Kath laughed softly. “Well, it's true. I don't want to loose out in the long run. I'm hardly the most popular kid about, and if everything falls through with Nathan, it won't help my cause.”

“Nothing will help your cause,” Vanessa chipped back. “You haven't got much too lose.”

“Your confidence in me is touching, truly,” Kath said, sarcasm oozing from her grin.

“I'm quoting an old version of yourself. Remember, when Nath asked you out? 'I suppose I haven't got anything to lose', you said.” Vanessa mimicked.

Kath rolled her eyes. “That was different.”

“Sure it was,” Vanessa chuckled sceptically.

Ignoring the last remark, Kath continued on with her work. When break-time was finally welcomed, she breathed out, dropping her pen down beside her in relief. Usually she and Vanessa would sit in any corner and gossip quietly, but today Ness had 'important business to deal with'. Moodily, Kath decided that she'd sit alone.

“She's messed up,” came a voice from across the room. Hannah Lanyard. Of course. Kath raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed at the sound of the school gossip, Little Miss Aren't-So-Fabulous? - the only girl in the school she bore an absolute hatred for.

“She actually is!” Danielle Woods shrieked back, sitting down just meters from Kath.

“I mean, in year seven she was actually quite okay. And then her mum got that stupid medal which counts for... let me think... nothing! And that was it, army-this, army-that all day long! No wonder everyone got so bored of her,” Hannah giggled.

“It was only when she was obnoxious that I really thought, like, it's not even funny anymore.” Amy, another one of the posse added. “She actually looked down on everyone else!”

“Remember when Anita's mum got sacked? And she just laughed?” Hannah continued, “but anyway, enough with the old, there's yet more gossip about dear sweet Kath!”

At the mention of her name, Kath recoiled. She wanted to get up and leave, to run away, out of the room like she'd done countless times before, but she was glued to the spot, hypnotized by her own mention.

“Tell us!” Danielle yelped, her voice a mere squeak.

“Nathan's finally had it with her! He told me in maths, when I asked him what he saw in the social rejection, he looked at me blankly and was like, 'I don't actually know anymore'! And Zac told me that she hardly makes an effort with him, that she's still obsessed with her sorry old mother and that her family is messed up.” Hannah said proudly.

“What, did he tell Zac about her family?” Danielle asked desperately.

Hannah nodded sweetly. “Nathan tells Zac everything. And then guess who finds out? Moi! Seriously, ask me anything about that stuck-up, two-faced loser.”

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