Chapter Three - 'it's called breakup, coz it's broken'

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“Kathryn, I get your life's tough, I know-” Nathan began earnestly.

“Do you? Do you really know?” Kath interrupted, knowing full well what was coming next – her inevitable dumping.

“Well, I don't know first hand, but you do a pretty good job of making sure I suffer like you do,” Nathan scowled angrily.

Kath raised an eyebrow, “Well, you do a pretty good job of pretending to like me.”

“What!?” Nathan's brown eyes darkened fiercely. Staring at Kath, almost hypnotized, he repeated his question in a deep, angry voice.

“I know what you think of me.” Kath said boldly. “I know you think I make a big deal out of nothing, and like, I'm messed up which is totally not your problem, and that my siblings are losers, and my mum's no help at all-”

“What!?” this time Nathan managed to sound genuinely surprised. “I never said anything about your mother.”

“So you said all the other stuff? About my brother? And sister?” Kath interrogated him powerfully.

“That's hardly relevant,” Nathan brushed the topic aside. “The point is, I value your mother. I think the army's great; honestly, I do. I think that they're making a big impact, and that their commitment is totally admirable – I respect it.”

“Then you've never listened to a word I've said, have you?” Kath snapped, avoiding eye contact.

“Sometimes, Kath, you make no sense at all. One minute it's 'mummy-this', 'mummy-that' and the next it's 'she left me ruined with the troll, my life is over'. Could you not just make your mind up?” Nathan asked, looked genuinely confused.

Kath shook her head. “To think I thought you cared.”

“I do- did.” Nathan shook his head. “But you know what's coming.”

“I've always known,” Kath replied hastily, her voice full of the doubt in her heart.

“No, don't talk rubbish at me. I liked you, Kath, even after all the rumours-”

“Rumours? There's more, is there?” Kath interrupted, lashing out.

“That's it! You never shut up! It's always about you, and it's always against you. Not everybody's out to get you-”

“Oh, but they are,” Kath interjected again. “If you knew, Nath, if you understood, then you wouldn't say that. I'm practically a single mother!”

“You're an attention seeker, that's what you are,” Nathan shouted now, his face animated and eyes alight. “You never stop and listen, you're never thankful for what you do have, you don't appreciate your mother's commitment, you're not proud of her. Sometimes Kath, I think you don't even love her. But you do, somewhere. That's beside the point. I can't go out with you anymore.”

Kath sniffed. “Fine.”

Nathan rolled his eyes yet again. “But I honestly wish you well. And I'm sorry if any rumours are out, because I never-”

“Meant to hurt me? Yeah, right,” Kath smiled sickly. “Sorry is just a word. It means about as much as all the other empty words uttered from your puny mouth.”

But at this Nathan could only smirk. “Well, I am truly sorry. But if you won't accept it, then I'm wasting my time.”

Kath shrugged, her blue eyes staring in the opposite direction.

“You just gonna ignore me? Okay.” Nathan asked, his voice cracking slightly. Then, turning uneasily, he shook his head at Kath as he eased off, leaving her wondering why she always ended up alone, wanting to call Nathan back. But, as usual, she was too stubborn to damage her pride.

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