Chapter Four - 'maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year'

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“Hello? Mum? It's Kathryn. I need to talk to you.”

“Right now? Can't it wait?” Ellie sighed down the line.

Kath groaned. “No, it really can't. It's important.”

“Okay, well hurry up with it then,” Ellie sniffed, briefly gazing at her watch.

“Don't rush me. It's kind of awkward.” Kath stammered.

Ellie sighed inwardly. “Me being in the army is also 'kind of awkward', especially if I miss parade-”

“Mum, I'm pregnant.”

Ellie's hand shook. The phone wobbled from it, slipping onto the floor in one slow, disjointed motion. “What!?

Kath nodded. “It was a party, and I was silly, okay? But then... today I found out... and I haven't told anyone.

“You'll have to tell your father, Kathryn. Right now, I can't cope with this,” Ellie shrieked, standing up in a panicky movement..

“Neither can I!” Kath exclaimed, somewhat too cheerfully. “But I won't tell Dad. He doesn't – won't – understand. And I won't tell Anna either, because personally, she's just a stranger in our house.”

“I don't know what to do,” Ellie said in disbelief.

“It's your first grandchild – celebrate?” Kath joked, to her mother's horror.

“Kathryn Emmeline,” Ellie whispered fiercely. “I am so disappointed in you. I know you thought I would be on your side, and don't get me wrong, I am, but this is totally different. Why would you do this? You know how important my work is-”

“So you're not going to come home? You're going to leave me and your grandchild alone?” Kath demanded.

“No, I'm going to call your father and tell him everything, if you won't.” Ellie snapped. “My work has to come first. I can't just leave when it gets tough!”

“You could leave because we need you,” Kath retaliated. “Lucy and Daniel both get bullied, and who's going to help them if I'm tied up with my own baby?”

“Won't you get an abortion?” Ellie's eyebrows shot to the roof.

Kath smiled wickedly. “Of course not.”

“Honey, I can't deal with this,” Ellie grimaced. “I'm going to call you back.”

And just like that, she hung up.

Sitting on the bed, Kath's face morphed into a waterfall of disappointment. Her mother's reaction was predictable, yet it hurt all the same. The denial, the bluntness. Whenever a problem occurred, Ellie was nowhere to be seen. In confrontations, she turned and ran.

And now, Kath feared, was no exception.

“Kath?” Lucy asked, tugging the sleeves of her cardigan daintily. “Are you walking Tom?”

Kath nodded, pulling her wellies on. “Of course. Why, do you want to come with me?”

Lucy nodded, a smile creeping across her face.

“Go and ask Anna, okay?” Kath ordered, rolling her eyes. Lucy was constantly tagging along with her, and whilst Aidan found it hilarious, it sometimes got tiresome. But then again, she mused, she was practically Lucy's mum.

Appearing behind her again quite suddenly, Lucy looked up at Kath with adorable big eyes. “Anna says I can go,” Lucy grinned, yanking her wellies over her feet. “But my boots are getting too small.”

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