7 | A Step Closer

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Gigi was petrified as if a lightning bolt just struck over her body. Her husband stood in the doorway, seemingly aware of their entire conversation. "Sire, how kind of you to join us this afternoon! I just got Junior new coloured markers from Praja. Let's help him decorate his notebook!" she chirped, trying to derail the conversation.

The Emperor flashed a wily smile, arms folded over his chest. "There's no need for you to pretend, Gianita. I heard everything. Bribing Junior to teach you waltz, such an interesting plan."

"Father, she wasn't asking for a bad thing. Gigi was really nervous about dancing at the banquet. I'm just trying to help her," convinced Junior, blinking his doe eyes innocuously at his father.

Petting his son's head, Cal directed his gaze at Gigi. "If you face any troubles from my requests, I'd appreciate it if you'd come to me for a solution."

Gigi clenched her fists. "The problem is—" The problem is, she wasn't even sure if he wanted her to go to him. "Even though I've known it and have seen it numerous times, I have never learned to waltz. I never tried it once... The banquet night is of utmost importance to both of our nations!"

"So you assume I'd let you embarrass yourself on the night of your coronation?"

"Well..." she sighed, fiddling with her fingers. It's difficult to convey her struggles in a way that did not fault him to a degree. "So, I guess you would hire a dance instructor for me?"

"You won't need to hire anyone. I'll teach you myself."


It's been agreed upon that Cal would teach her how to dance, although Gigi had yet to let it sink in. Right after dinner, he took her into a vast lavish hall that would later serve as the venue for the banquet. A huge gramophone was placed on the corner, sending echoes of violin and cello instrumental arrangement throughout the room as he put it on play.

"The most fundamental step of dancing is actually just walking," he explained as they started practising. "You hold your partner in a gentle embrace to make a body to body contact."

Taking her left hand, Cal then placed it over his arm while taking her other hand into his. Gigi held her breath as he wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing them closer to each other. It was the first time they had ever been this ever since their wedding night.

Soon, he began to lead her into what he called the 'walking steps'. A gentle back and forth sway, noting only to step on the first and fourth beat.

"Why are you wearing flat shoes?" The Emperor asked as he set eyes upon her feet.

"They're much easier to walk in, Sire," Gigi replied, awkwardly. She wouldn't want to get blisters from roaming around the palace, and the flats were closer to the design of Prajan mule shoes, which was very low-heeled.

He arched his brow. "I thought women are more than willing to pay the painful price of beauty."

"While we do, one would prefer to get comfortable walking in her own home."

"Fair, but at the banquet you're going to have to wear proper shoes, especially if we're going to bridge that height gap, it's easier to dance if your partner is in level with your eyes."

Did he just call her... short?

"I don't think that my height is any problem. In fact, I am considered tall for a woman in Praja," Gigi argued, fixing her loosening hold over his arm. "I am not short. You are just too tall."

Cal let out a soft chuckle, leading her to spin in their steps, which turned out to be harder than it seemed. Sometimes it was impossible to keep up with the pace, she ended up tripping over her own foot.

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