32 | Long Time Coming

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He loves her.

It's not like she couldn't feel it already. She had known. But having him said it meant a lot. She had always dreamed it, prayed for it, wished for it to happen. But when the moment finally came to fruition, it felt surreal.

She was so stupid! She should have responded to him. Tell him she loved him too. What if he thought that she didn't love him? No, he must have known. And when he returned, she'd tell him a thousand times.

Now, she just wanted to sing aloud; scream for the entire Angletonian empire to hear.

It was unfair to be trapped in this huge, pink bubble of happiness and unable to express it. There was nobody close enough for her to disclose the details of her marriage. She had always confided in her handmaidens, but ever since they've shown a repugnant reaction to her husband's health, she had ceased to tell them private details.

The closest thing she had would be Junior... She turned to face the boy, still fast asleep, unaware of the events occurring in the last five hours. But it wouldn't be the right time now, would it? Not when he just had his father left so hastily.

The clock rang, marking the break of a new day, awakening Gigi from her reverie. She had just spent the night staying up till past three, blinking wide beside Junior in bed with her cheeks flushed pink.

But how could she fall asleep after his confession? How would she manage to do anything at all today?

With her lack of sleep, she would look like the walking dead in the morning. Shifting closer to Junior, she forced her eyes closed, the image of Cal pronouncing his love to her replayed through her mind.

Three hours later, she was awakened by the sound of a maid setting up a tray full of biscuits, milk and a teapot on the nightstand. She curtsied to her as she sat up, before retreating from the room.

"Oh please, do not leave yet. Do tell my brother's sitter that she ought to dress and prepare him for breakfast without me. And fetch me my handmaids, will you?"

She gave her a deep bow, before turning around on her heels and leaving.

Hearing voices from around him, Junior stirred. As his eyelids fluttered open Gigi put on a bright smile for him. "Gigi...?" He raised his sleepy head, turning to look around him. "...Where's Papa?"

Gigi ran her fingers through Junior's dishevelled hair, fluffing up his bangs. "He left for the North last night, Junior, with your Oncle Philippe. He did tell you his goodbyes, but I think you were too sleepy to hear him."

Junior blinked, a small frown crossed his face. "I think I may have heard him. When is he coming back?"

"In a week or so. He promised that it wouldn't be more than a week. You wouldn't mind being here with me, would you?" Gigi reached out for his hand, rubbing it warmly.

Junior gave her a light smile. "No, of course not."

"Oncle Philippe gave me his telephone number. He said you could make a telephone call to his home in Archambault if you miss your father too much. They will be at the estate the day after tomorrow."

Gigi thought it would be hard for her now that she had to keep an eye on both Junior and her brother, but the boys stayed silent throughout the day, not attempting to even tease one another even though they were sharing a close space.

It turned out it was harder to deal with their social circle, as she had to come up with a good explanation for her husband's absence. Fortunately, Cal had people from Mireille and Venanzio aid him to fabricate an alibi that he was invited to a diplomatic meeting abroad in the continent. It was a good excuse, and it served to fend off all the prying noses.

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