39 | A Distinctive Scent

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"She's in heat," announced Cal, unenthusiastically.

"Who?" Gigi looked back from her dresser, clueless. She was getting ready for an event when her husband suddenly barged into her dressing room.

"The mare you gave me on my birthday, she's in heat." He repeated. "Now that Inferno has noticed her I can't keep them close to each other. She squirted when she saw him."

Clasping a hand over her mouth, Gigi flushed with embarrassment and laughter as she dismissed her maids. "My apologies, Sire. I only knew that she was young and approaching adulthood. I didn't know that she'd get into her cycle that quickly."

"I had to fight life and death to drag Inferno back into his enclosure. I even called for a local farmer to transfer the mare to his barn and released Inferno just so he could smell around and be sure she was no longer there." Cal shook his head tiredly, fixing his own tie. "No matter. We'll just have to wait until she is out of season."

"The mare must have been thinking about how handsome Inferno was." Gigi giggled, rising from her mahogany chair. "He's such a sturdy, brood stallion. It's only normal for her to desire his company. Imagine, a lonely young mare that was kept far from home and her family coming across this dark, handsome stranger."

Cal smiled in defeat as his wife slowly approached him, encircling one arm loosely around him.

"But he couldn't. Due to unforeseeable circumstances, they must be kept apart from each other." She palmed her chest, faking a dramatic sigh. "If only Inferno could give her what she wanted, it would give her the utmost happiness. Those poor horses, my heart weeps for them!"

"Are you sure you were talking about the horses now, darling?"

"Yes... and no." Gigi averted her eyes, her lips slightly curled up into a pout as she glanced at her bad arm which was now wrapped in a cast and strapped tightly to her shoulder.

"Patience, darling. Remember this morning the doctor told you not to do any strenuous activities before it's fully healed, or your arm won't heal correctly. I'm sure we will have plenty of time to utilize it later, hmm?" Holding her face in his palms, he kissed her head tenderly.

"Just when I was about to get what I wanted, waiting feels like forever again." She whispered hopelessly.

He laughed lightly. "You really can be very poetic when you're sad. Alright then, let's go down; the car is waiting for us at the front."

Gigi checked herself in the mirror one more time before following her husband. She hoped no one would think her weird with the cast. Being so involved in social circles had made her more conscious about her appearance.

"Are you sure you're well enough to attend the show? I've already explained how you got into an accident and are in need of rest for a couple of weeks," asked Cal during their car ride.

"Oh no, I must attend. I've been absent for days now. There are things that I must do, and my ladies need me," answered Gigi, still amazed at how quickly she had climbed up the popularity ladder, something she had never expected before. Her husband gave her a worried stare, so she added; "Don't worry, I won't hurt myself. Jose would help me."

Seeing the determined look on her face, Cal finally gave up. "Curious how effortlessly you stepped into these shoes. Tell me, darling, were you the fairest woman in Praja? Did the noblemen throw themselves at your feet while you dismissed them with indifference?"

It was supposed to be a lighthearted tease but it made Gigi feel a bit uneasy. Although she knew that she was rather pretty, she sure was unpopular compared to her half-sisters. Her heart recoiled with jealousy at the thought that Cal would've chosen her sisters at the first glance, had her father offered them first.

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