10 | An Invisible Wall

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"My fellow Angeltonians, Prajans and honoured guests, good evening," Gigi began, eyeing the audience. During her practice, it was noted that she should look at everyone in the hall equally throughout her speech, making sure that she didn't miss any, but seeing those gazes fixated at her only made her feel uneasy. Did they think she was doing good? Did they think she was ridiculous? Their faces were unreadable. Tightening her hold on the podium, she glanced down at her notes.

"It is a privilege to be able to share this joyous moment with you. First, I would like to thank my husband, the Emperor of Angletonia for hosting this event; and who, along with the Prince, have given me the warmest welcome as a part of this country and the imperial family." She spared Cal a glance—she tried to not let him break her focus—and smiled at Junior, the easiest part. "I would also like to thank my parents, the King and Queen of Prajanagara, for allowing me the opportunity to represent the union of our beloved countries. Without them, I would not be standing here right now," she breathed out.

"The friendship between Prajanagara and Angletonia has developed over the centuries, largely due to the work of our forefathers. I'm sure it would please them to know that our countries have finally come to support one another today. As a Prajan, I am proud to say that we have always held Angletonia in the highest regard, thus coming here has made me understand. Angletonia is such a huge realm, made of the most diverse individuals whose unique minds shape the nation's very heart; in the form of science, wisdom, philosophy, and rich history. The very values that Praja upholds herself." Gigi gave a small, triumphant smile, pleased that the weeks spent in the library had indeed proven fruitful.

"Being a part of the establishment of two grand realms has given me both blessing and responsibility. I cannot be any more grateful, knowing that the Emperor and my honoured personnel will gladly lend their hands to guide me, so that I will be able to fairly aid both countries."

"But of course, these warm feelings of friendship that we have may not last without your help, our noblest friends. We must be united not only through politics, military or business but also our hearts, taking the dreams of our founders and people into our interests and action. We should be looking forward to building our future together."

Gigi released a long breathy sigh as she concluded her speech, quickly folding the paper back in her hands. Everyone in the hall applauded her—starting with Cal—but she hurriedly returned to her seat, congratulating herself for safely finishing her very first speech. Finally, it was over now.

The whole hall was given champagne, aside from Junior who received orange juice as a substitute. His father had mentioned how he would throw a tantrum if not allowed to toast with them. It had already happened once.

"For Angletonia and Praja!" Cal proclaimed with a raise of his glass, and the entire hall repeated after him.

Junior was to be escorted to bed after dinner and made his displeasure clear. "Ohh, but I want to see them dance!"

"I-I'm afraid we can't, Your Highness," coaxed the maid. "It's almost nine already, way past your usual bedtime."

"But..." Pursing his lips, he looked over to his father. "Father, can I stay for the dance, pretty please?" His dark eyes appeared rounder as he looked up to them, batting his long lashes. "I will still wake up on time in the morning. I promise."

Cal Senior didn't answer right away, glancing over at Gigi who smiled in support of Junior. Why not indulge his son this once, as if they hadn't already? "Alright, but it's just for tonight. You can stay to see the first dance and then straight to bed, you understand?"

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