23 | Twenty-Eight

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As his eyes flickered open, Cal saw Gigi staring at him, face flushed and befuddled. Oh, so she did not remember, after all. How she had groped him in public and begged him to stay the night, even asking him to make a daughter with her?

Interesting. Maybe he could use it to his advantage?

"Oh, good morning, Gi." He stirred, keeping a calm charade. "Sleep well?"

She looked so cute the first time in the morning, and he was once again fighting with himself not to pull her in for a morning kiss. His heart clenched, remembering this was the first time they had spent a night together.

His poor wife...

If only it never happened... If he was not a broken man from the start of their marriage... If only.

"S-Sire..." A few strands of her hair came loose in a messy wave. Oh, how he'd love to tug on them, making it come undone as she screams his name. "What happened last night?"

"You got drunk," he answered in a sleepy voice, stretching his arms. "You could barely stand on your feet, so I brought you here to be safe. You begged me to stay, so I did."

He wasn't lying, was he? Only skipping over the provocative parts to preserve her dignity.

Gigi looked baffled, second-guessed herself. How could her puzzled expression be so adorable?

"Sire, did I do things to you when I was drunk?"

"No," he put his arms under his head. "Not ones that would offend me, no."

Her eyes widened, weighing her own response. "...What about the ones that did not offend you?"

Oh, darling. Did you have to make this harder for yourself?

"You pulled me into your bed and we talked a little," Cal answered nonchalantly. "Now can we go back to sleep? I'm knackered."

"...That's all?"

Also squeezed his ass and asked him to make a baby daughter, but better keep it a secret for now.

He nodded a few times.

Gigi didn't look a bit convinced. However, she paid no mind as he moved to spoon her, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. Cal closed his eyes, indulging himself in her soothing scent. Then suddenly she squeaked, face burning as her eyes crept down toward his groin.

Oh. His morning glory, it had arisen in the morning alongside him and seemed just as happy to greet Gigi as he was. Heheheh.

Before it gets any more awkward, they broke apart. Cal scolded himself inside for missing yet another chance to satisfy her womanly desire and his own.


"S-Sire... I think we... should..."

"Go see Junior? He's supposedly awake at this hour," Cal cut in, saving them from their awkwardness. Junior was a safe topic that they both loved. His son had always been there to save the day.

"O-Of course, I'd love to go see Junior!" Gigi's face lit up in an instant.

Getting some time to freshen up, she joined him to head to his palace wing. Their chambers were not too far from each other's, but there was still a bit of walking to get there.

Last night's revelry had left some traces in the palace. They passed by a few guests who might have gotten drunk and passed out along the palace passageways, too tired to reach their own rooms. Since a number of them had come from afar, they were allowed to stay at the palace.

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