43 | Wetter than the Rain

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I'm curious! Which colour/s would you associate with Gigi? (Other than the Leroy green, of course.)

(Italics are for dialogues spoken in Prajan language.)

.·。.·゜·༺♥༻ ·゜·。.


In the following days, Gigi spent a lot of time wallowing in thoughts. The information about Cal's past was honestly a lot to take in, even though he had just started. While she managed to be calm and collected the night he told her about it, instant responses had never been her strongest suit and she needed a few days to process it.

Now that she knew their history, she couldn't help but feel weird each time she met Olivia. No wonder she acted so strangely after seeing her in the Leroy necklace; it had once been hers.

She snapped out of her thoughts as the doctor carefully unwrapped the bandages from her left arm.

"Your Majesty, you could please try moving your arm?"

"Oh, yes!" She slowly moved her arm, wiggling her wrist and fingers. A look of happiness and relief sprang to her face when she didn't feel the stinging sensation she had when she was first injured. "Oh, look! I can move it freely again!"

Finally, after more than a week of patience, plus many months of tireless waiting, she would be able to consummate her marriage to her husband again.

"Does this mean that I am allowed to resume my normal activities, Doctor?"

"Uhm, I would wait for the rest of the week to use it to perform labour, Your Majesty." The doctor inquired, looking slightly worried about the Empress' enthusiasm.

Was squeezing buttocks classified as labour?

"What sort of labour? I am an Empress, you can be sure that my ladies wouldn't allow me to work harder than holding a book or signing a letter. The mental baggage, though, is a different story."

He readjusted his glasses, "I meant to say that you should only perform light activities to make sure that the muscles are properly healed. Are you feeling any numbness or pain?"

The pain of being unable to touch her husband? The numbness from being deprived of her marital rights for so long?

"Not at all," she answered assuredly.

"Very well, then. I shall prescribe you some medicine to help you heal faster."

Later that day, she heard Aravin and Junior squabbling as she returned from work.

"Oh, look! Another princess book!" Aravin gasped loudly as he peered at the drawing on the cover. "Doesn't she look just like you? Fear not, dear Snow White, because your Prince has come."

"I'm sorry, which dwarf are you again?" Junior scowled before scampering out of the room, almost bumping into Gigi at the door. Even though he somehow managed to tolerate Aravin's presence when they teamed up to nurse her on her sickbed, it only lasted so far.

Kicking the nearby chair in frustration, Aravin sulked as Junior had once again, escaped from under his grasp.

"Aravin, no kicking things around," Gigi warned, making her presence known. Now she understood why their mother had to nag so much.

"But I don't know what I did wrong!" He cried. "I always try to be friendly but he keeps pushing me away! I cannot have you send me home this weekend without me ever winning Cal's heart!"

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