28 | The Right Hand Path

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Cal stepped into the cosy, neat house with ivory walls. A nicely carved placard was pinned to the front door, reading 'Dr. Jeanine Jaeyr'. The few people that happened to be in the waiting room hurriedly stood up as they saw him, but he raised his hand.

"Please, there's no need." He walked up to the assistant's desk. "I have an appointment with Dr. Jaeyr at 1:27 pm."

The assistant was going to ask for his name, her eyes widened as soon as she saw him, nervously fiddling with the papers on her desk. "Yes, you may come in. She has been expecting you, ...Your Majesty."

As he was about to reach towards the mahogany door, she quickly held it open for him, bowing deep and closed the door behind him. Special treatment. He didn't come here as the Emperor.

The office hadn't changed a bit since he last came here seven years ago. Sure, there were some adjustments in the furniture and the curtains had been changed, but the room arrangement stayed the same. A comfortable sitting corner placed near a bookshelf adjacent to a desk with a flower in a white vase.

All in white, neat, and clean; as she liked to keep it.

"Your Majesty," the host greeted, still seated behind the desk, scribbling a few things down her notes. "Please, sit."

"Oh no, not you too," Cal replied with a sour smile.

The woman looked up from her papers. "I beg your pardon?"

"Don't 'Majesty' me, you never called me that before."

"You were not the Emperor before," she tilted her head in his direction.

"You never did address me as 'Your Imperial Highness' either."

"Fair enough," she chuckled, and he smiled in response. "Sit down-"

"Why didn't you come to my wedding?" Cal inquired. She opened her mouth to answer, but he went on, "You also didn't come to my birthday celebrations."

"I'm only present when my clients require me to," Dr. Jaeyr replied, "When they are in need of my help."

Cal smiled knowingly. "Client. Just when I thought we were actually friends." Taking a seat on the long, shell-coloured leather couch, it contrasting deeply against his ink-black suit.

"How's Junior?"

"He's great; he's...the best. Everybody's fine."

Leaving her desk, she sat on the single couch in front of him; the sound of her heels clicking on the alabaster floor.

Dr Jeanine Jaeyr was a woman in her early forties, dressed formally in a matching blazer and pencil skirt. Her hair was dark and styled in a slightly wavy shoulder-length bob. She placed her hands on her lap comfortably, facing him.

"It's been years since we saw each other, Cal. Why have you come back?"

"I got married..."

"Oh," she nodded in understanding.

Cal suddenly realized what he seemed to imply. "No, no. I didn't mean it that way."

Dr. Jaeyr laughed softly. "I didn't assume."

Cal took a long breath, crossing his legs as he continued, "You must have seen my new wife. She's remarkable, amazing."

"I've seen the new Empress. She's so young but very confident."

"I love her," blurted Cal, looking directly at her.

The doctor blinked. "That's a good sign, right?"

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