15 | The Empress' Ensemble

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May marked the start of the summer social season; an annual period when it was customary for members of the social elite of the Angletonian society to attend festivals, matches and other public shows. The changing of the season would also give rise to a new fashion trend that was prominent among the upper-class, showcasing a wardrobe collection to prove they were fashion-savvy, including the Empress.

Gigi was disappointed to find that the fabrics used in Angletonian summer dresses were too brittle and rigid compared to Prajan dresses that were made to endure heat throughout the year. Prajan textiles were made using a specific technique that enabled air circulation and flexibility which would make them comfortable even under the highest temperature.

As Kumala, her employee from the embassy, came to see her that afternoon, Gigi scanned through the sales reports of goods that were being imported from Praja. "Tropical fruits, vegetable seeds, spices... So you're saying that the market is still after food in the summer?"

"Apparently so, Your Majesty. Summer is the time when the climate in the western hemisphere becomes closest to ours. They think this is the best time to plant and indulge in tropical food."

"What about our textiles? Brocade silks? The Ikat weaving?"

"We tried to push sales toward garments, but they were deemed impractical to blend into their daily wardrobe. The distributors don't take much because people only purchase them once in a while for their private collection."

"So they buy them without any intention of wearing them? How disappointing!"

"Unless there is some way to convince them that they are versatile, I'm afraid that this is as far as we're going to go," she explained regretfully.

"I've got an idea," Gigi muttered, flipping through the catalogues. "Get me all of these glorious patterned silks, cotton batiks and weavings. My, my, when was the last time I wore these?"

Kumala scribbled her orders down on a note. "Oh, there is a new trend among Prajan women which I think you'd be interested in, the all-around silk wrap."

Gigi turned from the pages, staring at her with curiosity. "All-around silk wrap...?"

Before lunch, Gigi caught up with her husband who had just finished a conference meeting. For her plan to be a success, she wanted him to be on board.

"Your Majesty, you wouldn't mind if I make some changes to my wardrobe, would you?"

Cal turned to her from the documents he was signing. "Why, though? Do you not like the new ones they sent you?"

"It's not that, I just think they need a little adjustment." She fidgeted with her hands. "I would like to improve the designs and materials, but they would still fit the dress codes."

"Very well, then I don't see any problem. Should you need some help you can just send them over to the designers."

"There's no need, Sire, my handmaidens will do just fine," she assured. A Prajan-made material would need Prajan hands to handle it.


La Casaserpia was a metropolitan resort city located south of the capital, renowned for its use as entertainment, leisure and nightlife. Bordering the Smaragdine sea, the city was always flooded with tourists and social elites, particularly during the colossal social events this time of year.

Gigi used the occasion to utilize her newly modified wardrobe, making certain that they followed the traditional Anglese dress code that everyone must comply with, regardless of their status. Even after the alterations, she was not showing any bare midriffs or shoulders, the hem of her skirt reached below her knee and she wore a hat. If the Empress got turned away at the entrance then they would just have to see about that.

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