Chapter 8: Finding out

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I woke up with an excited flurry in my belly. It was either two things. One: because I was finding out whom my mum was today, or two: Because it was 10 o'clock and I hadn't had food yet. It was probably number one, but I was number two as well. Not as in what you do in the toilet by the way, the One: and the Two: Up above. So I changed into a wavy blue skirt and a white Weird Sisters t-shirt, and then made my way down to the dining room. There was no one there.

"Master is in the breakfast room, miss. Shall Dotti show you there, miss?" asked Dotti from behind me, making me jump.

"Sure. Thanks, Dotti." I said, and she led me into a smaller room with only a little table that could be described as a breakfast table. The floor was slate and there were plates on the yellow pastel wall. My father was in one seat. I smiled and sat down next to him. Dotti looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to order.

"Um... May I have some toast? Farmhouse. Buttered with raspberry conserve jam? Thanks" I ordered. I could get used to this. Dotti bowed her head, and went to get my breakfast. My father gave a low chuckle.

"Morning. Why you laughing?" I asked him. He smiled coyly.

"It's just the tone you gave then... aren't you working on Spew?" My eyes narrowed.

"S.P.E.W." I corrected.

"That's what I said, Spew." I growled angrily.

"Yeah, I am in S.P.E.W... did you not hear me say may I? And thanks?" I asked sarcastically. Dotti came in with my breakfast.

"What would you like for a drink, miss?" asked Dotti shyly.

"May I have some pumpkin juice?" I asked. My father looked at me. "Please?" I added hastily. My father was holding back laughter by then.

"Of course, Miss. Dotti will get it right away, miss." Dotti said. Once she was gone I sent a well-deserved glare to my father. He held his hands up in defeat.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just so funny!"

"Well not to me." I retorted.

"Okay I'll stop." he promised. Dotti came back inside, this time with the pumpkin juice.

"Thanks, Dotti." I took a sip of it and she shone with happiness when I gave her a thumbs up. Then I ate my food, while my father drank his tea and did the latest crossword- you'd think that was out of character for him, wouldn't you. I had a look at some of the clues. 1 across: Most formidable of all unforgivable curses, 12 letters across. That was easy: Avada Kadavra. 8 down: The name of school of witchcraft and wizardry in mid-England, 8 letters across. Easier than the other one: Hogwarts! There was one that he'd left that he had particular problems with. 14 across: The most famous person of the 21st century. Killed a certain wizard, 11 letters. That one was quite easy; I was surprised he didn't know it.

"Dad I know one of these. It's quite simple I'm surprised you missed it." I said, knowing this would annoy him. He offered me the pen and I wrote in my elegant scripture: 'HarryPotter'. "There." he turned red.

"Harry Potter failed to kill me." he commented.

"Yeah but who realy knows this?" I reminded him. He sighed.

"If you're so clever, help me with this one. Translate the Hogwarts motto into English: Never tickle a sleeping _, 6 letters."

"Dragon." I replied. He looked at me, bewildered. I winked at him.

"I give up." he sighed, exasperated.

"At what?" I asked, innocently.

"This crossword puzzle," he said. I nodded.

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