Chapter 33: Draco returns

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skimmed through Draco's letter, grinning and whooping inside.

"What's happening Sophia?" Luna asked, walking inside my house.

"One of my friends is coming to stay for the summer." I told her, grinning like a psychotic madman.

"Will your father let them stay?" She wondered, looking around.

"No idea," I shrugged, "But he's going to come anyway."

"That's nice." Luna nodded. She had a peek outside of the window. "You have a forest near your house?"
"Yes," I replied, "Though I've never been in there."

"Dark, unexplored places are known to be inhabited by Tayohabithians, you know." She informed me.

"What are Tayohabithians?" I asked her.

"They look sort of like miniature giraffes, but purple." Luna explained, "their known for their healing powers, and because of the fact they can shoot mustardy yellow blobs from their front hoofs."

"Okay..." I looked at her strangly.

"They are real, you know. Dad has a hoof in his room from our last expedition. Would you like to come and look for one with me?"

"Uh... Sure, Luna." I nodded and we made our way out.

Two hours later and we emerged from the forest, dirty and our clothes ripped, and for me, many a cuts and bruises.

"I can't believe we couldn't find a Tayobithian." Luna sighed.

"Nor can I." I could; I was pretty sure they didn't exist, but, from experience, it's easier just to agree with her. We truged into the house through some French glass windows, and my day got better and better.


"Don't you look... colourfull." He grinned, hugging me.

"Dirty, you mean." I laughed, hugging him back. "By the way I think I have rat poop on my back."

"Ew!" Draco jumped back and I laughed again.

"Kidding, it's just mud." I grinned. "All the same I think me and Luna had better get clean."

Another half and hour later I walked back down the stairs in some cleaner clothes, with all the grime out of my hair.

"I'm back!" I grinned. My father was standing next to Draco, and Draco looked rather intimidated. "What's going on?"

"I've been doing some... research." My father hesitated before saying research, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"He's been invading the personal space I call my memory!" Draco tattled. I narrowed my eyes more.

"First of all, Sophia, why were you and Luna covered in mud?" My father questioned.

"Oh, Luna wanted to go into the forest to look for Tayobithians." At my fathers confused face, I added, "Purple giraffes that shoot yellow blobs from their hoofs."

"Secondly, why didn't you tell me Mr. Malfoy was coming today?" He continued.

"Because Luna dragged me outside into the forest to look for Tayobithians before I could tell you." I told him half-truthfully.

"Thirdly..." He gave a dramatic pause that wasn't very dramatic, "What is going on between you and Mr. Malfoy here?" I suddenly realised why Draco looked so intimidated.

"Why what did you see?" I asked him.

"You both kissing in the Owlery and flirting, again, in the Owlery... Why did something more happen?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"No." I shook my head.

"So your still a..." My father trailed off, but I knew what he was hinting.

"God yes!" I nodded.

"Well in that case I think it's high time I give you the birdies and the beezies talk..."

"NO no no no no no!" I screamed, backing away really fast. "I'm not listning!" I stuck my fingers in my ears and started singing loudly to drown out his voice. When I stopped he was lauging. "PLEASE don't give me the birdies and the beezies talk!"

"Fine, fine, I won't give you the birdies and the beezies talk. But you have to be careful, Sophia." My father reprimanded. "You're a young adult now, and you have to think about the consequences of your actions."

"I know, dad." I nodded, hugging him, glad I wasn't getting 'The Talk'.

"Good girl." My father hugged me back before Draco cut in.

"That's it? That's it? When my father decided to give me the talk he wouldn't let me worm out of it and I ended up being scarred for life!" He protested.

"Ha ha!" I laughed, poking my tounge out at him.

"Sophia," my father warned.

"Yes?" I smiled at him sweetly. "Hey, where's Luna gone?"

"Which reminds me," Draco began, "Why is Luna here?"

"Because she wanted to be. Now come and help me find her." I grabbed him and dragged him off towards Luna's room. We walked in without knocking.

"Don't you knock?" Luna was sitting on her bed, upside-down, balancing a plate on her nose.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked her.

"I'm balancing a plate on my nose while sitting on my bed upside-down. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Uh...." Draco started, and I laughed. Oh, the fun we would have this summer.

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