Chapter 29: Lights, Camera, ACTION!

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"Harry stop stalking me." I said, walking into the library.

"How did you know I was here!" he exclaimed, hurrying up to me.

"I could hear you." I replied. The truth was I could hear him, I could hear his thoughts. "Did you know I can do Legicamy?" He blushed bright scarlet.

"Um... no." he admitted.

"Yeah I learnt how to last year." I nodded, "What are you doing in the library?"

"Watching you." he said without thinking. Then he covered his mouth with his hands.

"Harry I'm touched by your attention!" I laughed, watching him blush even more, "But I'm kind of in the middle of something. D'you mind leaving?"
"Yes." he replied.

"Fine, stay see if I care." I said, sitting down and getting out a quill and a piece of parchment.
"What you doing?" Harry asked.

"Writing a letter to my dad," I replied, not looking up. I scribbled down a note to him and got up. "There."

"That was quick." he noted.

"Yeah well I need to go somewhere." I replied. "Mind watching it for me while I go and get a book?"
"Sure." he nodded.

"Thanks." I smiled and got up. I then watched from behind the Transfiguration bookcase (A-E authors), waiting for him to have a look at the note.

Harry's POV

I looked around to see if she was watching. She wasn't. I quickly grabbed the letter and had a look at what she'd written.


Stupid Rita Skeeter! 'Imposter Scandal'! Have you seen yesterdays Prophet? Me, Draco, Ginny and Blaise tried to pull it off as one of the Slytherin's pranks (I turned Draco into a ferret and he bit Blaise tee he!) and I think everyone believed us except for Saint Potter. He's started to stalk me and yesterday he overheard us all talking, and I used Legicamy and he had overheard them say Sophia! I think he's onto us, Daddy. I think we'll have to swap over again. We have enough information now as it is and I've copied all of the Marauder's Map so there's no need for me to be here anymore. Plus if I stay any longer Pothead's going to find out and tell everyone your back! Can you meet me tonight in the Forbidden forest with the Mudblood?

Love you forever,

Sophia Lily Riddle

I stared at it blankley. Saint Potter. Pothead. Daddy. Mudblood. Hermione? They- Voldemort and his daughter- must have kidnapped her so that this Sophia could spy on us. I heard footsteps and quickly put it back down.

Hermione's POV

I could tell by his betrayed face that Harry had read the letter.

"Hiya Harry!" I said, writing Daddy on the front of the now folded letter. "You alright?"
"Yes." he said steely, and I tensed.

"You don't sound alright. Maybe you should go up to the hospital wing?" I suggested.

"No, I'm fine." he insisted.

"Okay. I'm going to go and owl this to my dad, you coming?" I asked.

"Yeah," he decided. We walked up to the Owlery, and I saw Draco inside.

"Wait out here." I told him. He nodded, though he didn't understand why. I walked in, and Draco saw me.

"Sophia!" he exclaimed loudly, seeing Harry outside.

"Sssh!" I hissed to him, "Potty is just out there, and he'll hear you!"

"Doesn't mean he won't be able to see me." he grinned reaching for me.

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