Oscar - Romeo & Juliet

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Requested by SeoYoungho_

Y/N pov

Me and Oscar grew up together, we've met in kindergarten, we were really close all thru middle school, but when got to high school I knew everything was gonna change, and it did.

Our families are gang signs, the thing is that mine was the Prophets and his the Santos. We were rivals, my parents would kill me.

When he got jumped in, I cried so hard my eyes burned, we used to met at a beach every friday after school even after he got jumped, after a while he started to show up less and less, and then it came the time that I got jumped in, he had already changed. He wasn't Oscar anymore, he was Spooky.

I knew he still felt something for me, and he knew I knew. Why this gotta be so complicated? He had been locked up for months now, we have been exchanging texts, I wanted to visit him so much but what would happened if they say a prophet visit a santo?

The streets talks, we are stuck is this war that is not even ours. Black, green, who cares? I just want him. And now that he is out, who can stop me?

"I can't do this anymore, Oscar, I love you and I can't be away from you, I want you"

"Y/n you know I love you but it's impossible, I'm always gonna be a santo and you are always gonna be a prophet"

"That shouldn't matter, we didn't asked for this"

"But it does, we don't know what could happen it we got together"

"I guess we will now"

Narrator pov

She clicks off the message app and takes a deep breath and continues her way down Oscar's street, she could feel the angry looks burn her skin, which worried her. A regretting feeling was starting to appear but she tried to keep herself focused on why she was there.

"Come on you can do this, everything is going to be okay"

She told herself as she gets to Oscar's crib, adrenaline rushing thru her body, she couldn't back you now.

She stands on Oscar's front yard, receiving dirty looks from the santos around her.

"Is Os- Spooky here?"

One of them got up and inspected her. She put her hands up

"I'm not here looking for trouble, I don't have any gun, or anything"

He scoffs, he says something to another guy that she couldn't hear what.

They laugh and Oscar suddenly gets out of the house, he was so shook to see me there, his facial expression screamed confusion and worry.

"What are you doing here?" He says coming closer but still putting up a front for his friends.

"I told you I couldn't do this anymore"

She says and cups his face kissing him

It was like the first time they kissed but better, it felt exciting but it felt known.

He kissed her back letting all the worries he should be having right now fly away.

She pull away still holding his face and gave him a soft smile

"I wanted to do that for so long"

I have an idea for a more (a part2 maybe? ) but I got tired and I wanted to post something already

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