Cesar - Distant

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Requested by sameerah_13

I changed some things up a little bit just because I don't like romanticizing gang life, as I am affiliated. But I kept the plot request the same, hope you like it, sorry it took so long.  

Set in season 1

Narrator pov

The girl had just come from her shower, with the bedroom lights still off, she slid under the covers and prepared herself to sleep, but an opening sound coming from her window kept her from doing so. Y/n quickly turned on the lamp next to her bed not expecting to be him.

"Cesar? What the fuck are you doing here?" 

She said relieved that it was just him and not a psychopath trying to kill her.

"Calm down, I just wanted to see you" 

"You could have called me first"

"For you to not answer it and then say you were just busy? No thanks"

"I don't do that!" 

"You have been doing that for the past few weeks! And that's exactly what I'm here"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Oh cut it, you've been all weird lately, you stopped hanging out with us, you don't say anything on the group chat, you are totally distancing yourself from us, from me.."

They both sat down on the corner of her bed, as he tried to grab her hand she pushed him away werning a sigh from him.

"Look, I'm busy right now, can't we do this another time?" 

"Busy? You were about to go to sleep"

"It's late"

"It's 8 pm for fuck sake"

She stayed quiet

"Just tell me what's wrong? Was it something I did? 

"No, you did nothing wrong" 

"Then what is it ?"

"I-I can't do this" 

"Do what? Us..?"

Cesar got closer to her resting his hand on her face, the boy was awfully worried 'was this her way of breaking up thing him?'. They were not exactly dating but they did have a relationship, one that he didn't want to end. 

"No, it's just- urgh I don't know what to do" 

"Just talk to me, we can figure it out together" 

"I love you so much, but I don't want to talk about right now, maybe in the morning?" 

"I love you too, okay it can wait, but stop being distant"

"I'll try"

Cesar didn't answer, he just pulled her closer and started kissing her, she kissed him back and ran her hands through his hair. After a while their kiss turned into a full on make-out session as now she was straddled on his hips and his hands gripping her waist firmly. As he tried to lift up her shirt, she quickly put it back down, he tried again not thinking much of it this time actually being able to do it. Y/n quickly got off him and fixed her shirt again.

"Y/n...what were those?"

"I think you should leave, Cesar" 

"No, I'm not leaving until you tell me why the fuck you have bruises all over you"

She didn't say anything she just looked down 

"You got jumped in didn't you?"

The girl nodded slightly feeling tears forming in her eyes. Cesar was in a state of shook, so much was going through his head right now he couldn't even form a sentence, he felt anger, sadness, worry, guilt. 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how"

"So what you were just gonna keep that from me?"


"When did it happen?"

"Two weeks ago" 

"Sure everything makes sense now"

"I'm sorry" 

"Why did you accept that?"

"It's not like I had a choice!"

"Yes you did!"

"You out of everyone should understand that it doesn't work like that" 

"It's my fault"

"What? No of course not"

"It is. How could I've been so stupid not to realize earlier? I could have done something"

"There is nothing you could do. It's in my family, it's my destiny" 

"No..not you, don't you remember our plans?"

"I do, but all these years you got me twisted, your brother is in jail, so your direct link is not present,  you are a smart ass boy and will figure a way to get out. I just wanted things to be normal for a little while before everything got weird"

"It wasn't normal if you weren't even around”

"I'm stuck here, I didn't want to get you stuck here too" 

"I would happily be stuck here as long as I am with you"

"See, that's why! You are going out to be a great architect, no arguing" 

"I'm going with you by my side"


"We will figure it out together"

The End

So I hope yall liked it, I'm always saying I will update sooner but the truth is I got a lot of shit to do and I am an lazy ass bitch who doesnt know shit about time management.

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