#BlackLivesMatter and if you don't think so, tell me so I can block you

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Links for Petitions:







*These are just some, I signed 80+ petitions so I won't be putting all of them

Hey peeps, sorry I've been not posting, honestly I just don't feel like it, this fandom is extremely toxic.


I'm posting stuff about BLM in everything single piece of social media I have, even this one.

I decided to share my experience with Police Brutality (disclaimer I'm not asking for pitty points just trying to raise awareness )

If you want you can share yours with me.
Also send me links to more petitions and I will sign and put them here

My Experience With Police Brutality

It's really sad that there are people that do such terrible things, they disgust me, there are so many black kids, women and men getting killed every single day and NOTHING happens the responsible.

Unfortunately the system were made by them and for them, to protect them, to save them. Once in my old neighborhood, when I was about 10/11 y.o I heard a guy plead for his life and asking for help, so I got up and ran to my parents and told them what happened, my dad looked outside and saw a black kid getting beat up by a cop while the cop tried to get him inside a black van. My dad (a white man) went outside to try to help the kid (I say kid but he was about 17) but the cop said "what are you gonna do? Call the police?" And pushed my dad aside, he went back inside and called the emergency line and said there was someone having a stroke in the middle of the street and for them to go there with the sirens on (to try scare of the cops).

When that happened I went to my room and felt anger, so much anger and so much sadness, I got into "Fuck The Police" mode and haven't gotten out since.

Six months ago my brother (black) was shot and killed by a racist cop, and nothing happened to the cop, didn't even lost his job, it didn't got to the news, like it didn't matter. He was killed in his own home, his own bed, at a monday 7 AM with no explanation.

And nothing can bring my brother back, he was so sweet, and kind, have been through so much, and right when his life was starting to get better that happened. And I will never forget.

I do what I can, its not much and I want to do more, I  want to go out and change it, and we gotta be smart about it

lets change things from the inside because as long as they are in power nothing will gonna change. Lets be the system, lets make the laws, lets be the next judges, the next politicians, lets fill the Congress with people of color that are willing to make this world a better place.

I can't help but wonder how the world would be now if Malcolm X and MLK  weren't killed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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