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harper woke up and was at school, she doesn't remember even waking up let alone being at school, but she just carried on doing, whatever she was doing. it was weird. almost like nostalgia? she knew what she was doing, subconsciously but she didn't at the same time. the girl was at her locker and no one else was around, she was smiling, yet again she didn't know why she was smiling. her books were placed in her locker and she opened it.

the girl was then met by a pair of hands griping her waste, lifting her up and swinging her around. once she was back on the ground, she looked into the eyes of stiles and he pecked her on the lips
"why did you do that" she blushed, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. this was weird because harper was never shy. why the hell was she acting like this?
"because your my girlfriend. and because i love you" stiles holds on to her hips and pulls her forwards, smiling and looking down at her, he was much taller.
"oh, okay" she mumbles on his lips as they both lean in, kissing again.

then a song starts playing, it's not a song harper recognised, but it wasn't good either. the more she thought about it, there was no melody, no songs, not even a beat. just a constant beeping noise.

then it hit her. it was her alarm.
"why the hell is my alarm going off?" she says to herself as she notices her surroundings fading away.
"ah shit i'm in a dream" she realises, then she opens her eyes.

with a loud groan she slaps her phone turns her alarm off. she sits herself up and debates just going back to sleep, but since she was actually excited about school for once, she decides to get into the shower.

she presses play on her music, strips, and hops into the shower. the hot water hits her body and relaxes her, whilst also waking her up. the song "kiwi by harry styles" was currently playing and she hummed the lyrics to herself whilst washing her body.

if she had the option, harper would stay in the shower forever. the one thing the girl couldn't shake from her mind, was the dream she had. Harper was slightly superstitious and had a thing about dreams and the mind. once she did hypnosis to try and have a lucid dream, so she could sleep with tom holland. it didn't work. did this dream mean she liked stiles? no it couldn't be. she doesn't have crushes, honestly harper barley feels emotions. it was just the fact that stiles was kinda good looking and the girl was desperate for a relationship. yeah, that was her excuse.

through all her thinking, she didn't even acknowledge the music and must of missed at-least 3 songs. that bummed her out, harper loved music and she had a killer playlist.

harper washed her hair, and washed her body, she inhaled the scent of strawberries. her mind was wondering again, strawberry's don't have a smell so how do we know what strawberry scented stuff smelt like. that thought hurt her brain. she brushed the thought off and jumped out of the shower.

the coldness hit her and sent a chill down her spine. harper loved showers, but hated getting out of the shower.

she rapped her hair in a towel and rapped another towel around her chest, which also covered her stomach and thighs. the black-haired girl searched through her closet to find something presentable.

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