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how do you go to school, after finding out the boy you like is possessed, your best friend is a werewolf and the only friends you have made are pretty much all supernatural creatures?

the fact is, you don't. well harper didn't want too. the girl must of gotten maximum of two hours of sleep last, and she felt like utter and complete shit.

her mum had yelled at her several times to get up, but each time harper would reply with a moan or a groan. her mom threatened her a few times, something along the lines of "if you don't get your ass out of bed ill beat your ass" and honestly, harper didn't want to take any chances.

sitting up, she instantly regretted it as her room started spinning and head started pounding. she took a few of the pills that were on the side of her bed for the headache.

looking in the mirror, she noticed her tear stained face and it slightly reduced her confidence of going to school
"mom, do i have to go in today?" she asked
"yes you do, when you were at your old school and i let you have the day off, you almost got arrested for vandalism with the boys on the lacrosse team" her moms voice sounded like she was still angry
"yeah but it's a different school and-"
"end of conversation. you're going to school" her mom then walked out of her room
"i hate it here" harper said, barley audible

normally, harper loved getting ready, because the girl was slightly narcissistic at times. but today, her confidence vanished. usually her outfits and makeup were kind of extra, and very noticeable. today she wore a black top and black leggings, but also added a flannel around her waste to spice it up (again, a black one) makeup was minimal, just mascara and lipgloss. she also tied her hair up in a loose pony tail, while bits fell out at the front framing the girls face

harper decided she didn't want a ride with stiles today, so she plugged in her headphones and went to school on her skateboard.

when the girl arrived at beacon hills, she kicked up her skateboard and bought it to her locker. her headphones were still in, but only the one on the right- harper had a thing about keeping two headphones in, she was slightly paranoid.

harper packed away her books, and took out the things she needed for her next class. when she shut her locker, she was met with the face of stiles stilinski

her heart dropped and she gasped slightly as he frightened her
"sorry i didn't mean to scare you" he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly
"no it's fine, i guess i'm just a little jumpy today" harper smiled, sadly almost

"well are you okay? also how are you processing everything- you know supernatural" he whispers.
harper sighs and leans her back against the lockers, she then turns her head to face stiles
"honestly? i'm not taking it how i expected. i guess it just never struck me that this is actually a reality. like i guess it scares me that scott could literally rip my throat out whenever he wants and the only friends i've made in this school are things that - until today - i thought were a myth"
"but i thought you said you believed in the supernatural?" stiles quirked his head
"no stiles, i "believed" that i would find a vampire, who kills everyone but has a soft spot for me, and he would also turn me into a vampire and we would be immortal forever. stiles i believe in aliens and re-incarnation and rituals and Ouija boards. not that the guy i liked and actually thought i had a change with has another personality which literally kidnapped me!"

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