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kate. the name seemed to trigger something in harper, an uneasy feeling filled her chest and she now felt as if there was a weight on her shoulders, holding her down.

the thought of kate argent being alive circled around her head. how? her throat was ripped out by peter hale around three years ago. how is she alive?

if that was possible, what else could be? the thought of katrina entered her mind, but she ignored it as quickly as it came.

"harper" the sound of stiles voice drew her out of her trance-like state, and he grabbed her hand
"we need to leave, now"

unable to form words, harper let the boy practically drag her towards the exit of the place
"scott" she finally said
"we need to tell him, he'll know what to do"
"n-no. we can't" stiles kept his eyes fowards, speed walking to the jeep
"no? what do you-"
"look with everything's that happened in the last few years, and exams are coming up and just- i don't want to add something else onto his plate- he's got enough."
"we can't just not tell him, stiles. he's a freaking werewolf remember? we're human."
"i know but-"
"no buts. we are telling him"
"tomorrow then, leave it for today since it's like, 2am, and we'll find him tomorrow

she thought about it for a moment, but hesitantly agreed.

the ride home was silent, neither wanting to start a conversation. a few times harper had wanted to say something but each time bit her tongue, thinking her own thoughts were irrelevant

"you're quiet?" stiles flicked his eyes to her
"great observation" harper snapped unintentionally with a sarcastic undertone

"i get you're scared, but we'll sort it, we always do." he gave her an encouraging smiled, and placed his hand on her thigh, gently rubbing his thumb across the skin
"i'm not scared..." she mumbled, more to convince herself.

the ominous sound of the empty house unsettled harper, then again everything seemed to unsettle her. the sheriff wasn't home, maybe he was working on an extra difficult case, so the house was dark and quiet as they entered.

stiles flicked on a few lights and entered the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water
"you want anything?" he asked her, whilst throwing the water bottle from his left hand to his right
"i'm good" she replied, her voice coming out quieter than she expected.

"it's pretty late, do you wanna like try and sleep, maybe?" he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.
"yeah uh, sounds good i'm fine with that" a reassuring smile made its way onto her face, and she sent it towards stiles, yet he narrowed his eyebrows in response, not buying it.

"look, please don't worry-" as he was speaking, stiles strode over to his girlfriend and threw his arm over her shoulder "- i promise everything is gonna be okay. scott- the pack- we always find a way through this stuff. i promise, you'll be alright"

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