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tw// sexual assault (groping and non-consensual touching to be specific) and talks about rape. if these subjects are uncomfortable or triggering for you, please don't read this. if you don't want to read this but want to know what happens, please feel free to dm me. and dm me if you need to talk about anything <3
i love you babies, have fun reading!!

 and dm me if you need to talk about anything <3 i love you babies, have fun reading!!

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"what do you mean he wants you to come to his wedding?"
"it's not fucking complicated stiles! he wants me to go to his wedding what more can i say?" harper snaps at him, usually she wasn't like this, but when it came to her dad, she couldn't help but be angry.

"oh uh, well what did you say?"
"i fucking hung up on him"

pacing around, harper tugged at the roots of her hair, feeling herself becoming gradually stressed out.
"as if, as if he has the audacity to never reach out to me, then call me and invite me to his fucking wedding. not talk to mom, me. why me. why would i want to go to his and that whores wedding"

stiles didn't know if he should approach her or not, a small voice told him that if he did, he would probably get punched in the face, but he was willing to take that risk.
"just don't go then, it's your choice, you don't need to stress about it right?" stiles kept his tone calm, not matching hers.

"no no no. you don't get it! if i go, i'm gonna hate it, but if i don't go, moms gonna ask why i don't wanna go then i'm gonna have to explain all of that to her- fuck sake she doesn't even know i have anxiety so she would never understand. then everyone on dads side of the family will hate me and it'll just fuck everything up!" harper let out a strangled yell, then hit her back against a locker.
"you probably think i'm stupid and over reacting" she let out a sigh and ran her hand through her hair for the millionth time.

stiles approached her, and stood in front of her, grabbing her hands "no i get it. it's anxiety right? anxiety makes you overreact and overthink. i get that" he warmly smiles at her, and harper felt herself calming down.

the bell sounded, and both teens jumped, harper groaned again. "just great..." she mumbled.

people swarmed out of their classes, and the halls became crowed. harper's heart rate began to quicken, she was already stressed, and everyone being around her didn't help either.

"i'm gonna go find scott, maybe he can figure something out" great, stiles is gonna leave me alone; was her first thought, but she nodded and let him walk away.

her next class was math, it wasn't too far away so walking to class on her own wouldn't be a struggle, hopefully.

harper pushed her way through the crowds of people, then felt someone put their hand on her chest, halting her.

looking up, she saw a tall blonde guy with a lacrosse jersey on.
"what's the rushhh" he sang playfully
"uh... class?" she rolled her eyes, not picking up on the boys flirty attitude and not being in the mood for it.

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