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the girl shot up with a gasp. at first she didn't realise where she was, it took her a moment for everything to sink in. her first thought was that it was all a dream and she was in her bed.

but as the reality sunk in, a panic rose in her chest. she noticed her left arm was restricted, it was handcuffed to a metal table. she shook her wrist, but the table, nor the handcuffs, would budge.

she breathed in, trying to calm herself down.
"stiles!" she screamed, hoping he would hear her.

she was confused and helpless. what had even happened? where was she? it looked like a basement, and it still looked like stiles house. but why was she here? did someone break into his house and took her? where was stiles? stiles couldn't have done this- right?

"Jesus christ girl you have some lungs in you!" someone said as they walked down the stairs of the basement

the person laughed and came into harper's vision, that defiantly was stiles
"well not exactly" he said.

"i understand why stiles had all of those weird ass thoughts about you. you are very pretty" he says crouching in front of her

"stiles what the fuck is wrong with you?! if this is some kind of sick joke i swear to god! and why are you referring to yourself in the third person" harper says
"woah calm down girl!" he laughs

"here's the thing. i'm not really stiles. i'm much better" he says
"what are you like his fucking evil twin or something? i'm going to beat your ass" as she was talking, void made his way over to somewhere behind the girl
"i swear- what the fuck are you doing?"

"you talk to much. night night" he places a cloth laced with chloroform over her mouth and noes, and she immediately passes out.

"stiles is not going to like this" he sings and observers the unconscious girl below. he then shrugs, and leaves the basement, locking the door.

stiles felt like he had just woken up, but never remembered going to sleep, he was in his room, but the last thing he remembers is watching tv with harper. harper? where was she.

stiles cursed under his breath, thinking the worst. he dialled her number, but it just kept ringing and she never answered
"fuck!" he threw his phone on the floor and ran his hands through his hair

"harper?!" he ran down the stairs to the living room- and riverdale was still playing. but the girl was no where to be seen.

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