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when harper woke up, and she felt like she had been hit by a bus.

her head pounded and her whole body ached- she had a hangover.

the girl groaned and opened her eyes, squinting. realising she still had her clothes on from last night, she tripped and hopped into the shower. luckily she had a bathroom and a shower in her room.

she played some music, and scrubbed her body and washed off the makeup on her face. the heat was high on the shower, and it practically scolded her skin, just the way she liked it.

once she was done, she rapped a towel around her body and rapped up her hair. the girls head was still pounding, so she took some painkillers that she had left on the side of her bed.

harper was brushing out her hair, when her phone rang. before she even noticed the caller id, her eyes skimmed over to the time. it was 2:30pm.

"hey stiles" harper said i a low, tired voice.
"wow you don't sound too good" the boy chuckles
"that's because i'm not. i feel like i did a regina george on it and was hit by a freaking bus"
"honestly same. have you thrown up yet?"
"surprisingly no, you?"
"yeah about seven different times. i swear i have no insides left"

harper cringes, picturing the image
"hey, do you remember anything from
last night?" harper asks biting her nails
"yeah i don't think i could really forget a night like that"
"so you remember..."
"us kissing. hell yeah" harper let's out a breath of relief and laughs
"hey are you still up for me coming round tonight, and maybe we could talk"
"yeah i'm up for that, oh by the way could you find your own way to my house? roscoe kinda broke down this morning"
"bye sti"

as he hangs up the phone, harper smiles to herself at the though of the boy.
"i am utterly and truly fucked" she says to herself


"wow look what the cat dragged in" michelle laughed as her daughter trotted down the stairs.

harper sent her mother a sarcastic smile and harper turned on the coffee machine
"hey mom?" michelle turned her attention towards her daughter
"can i go over to stiles' today? we have this project we need to do" she asks with hope in her eyes

"i guess, just don't be having relations with the stilinski boy, i like him but i don't want to deal with any mini you running around"

"ew what- mom no. and please do not use the word 'relations' ever again" harper shivers dramatically.

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