Chapter Sixteen: Burdens to Bare

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Prince Lucas and I walked back to the Wind Riders' den once I had calmed down. The two horses came along with me, one was a brown steed and the other was mare. They were twins that felt my pain and came to me in my time of need, much like the birds had this past year.

I appreciated Prince Lucas coming to find me. I hadn't given him enough credit for his understanding in all this. It must have been difficult for him to see Eldwyn with me. Our feelings were bare even if we never spoke of them, but he didn't let it turn into resentment. He cared for me, and the least I could do was open my heart enough to see where it would lead.

"Thank you, Prince Lucas," I said walking next to him.

"For what?" he asked.

"For all that you've had to contend with. I've become accustomed to this life and you've handled it admirably. I know that this has been a lot to ask of you. You were raised for the castle life, of politics and planning, not adventure."

"Yes," he said after some thought. "I suppose you're right."

Eldwyn and Talyn were sitting on the ground in front of the wooden church and the others were practicing their training with their staffs, conjuring winds and propelling themselves high into the air. When they saw us and the new horses Eldwyn and Talyn stood up and approached us.

"Eldwyn, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better, knight," he said. "Thank you."

"What beautiful horses!" said Okane, the short relic who was never low on energy.

"They found me in the woods," I said. "I've named them Ral and Arden, after two of the noblest knights in the realm."

"I think that's a lovely tribute," said Prince Lucas. 

"They have a special connection to you," said Talyn, walking up and petting Arden the mare.

"Yea," said Eldwyn, "Prince Darren has a connection with the animals.

"Twin horses are a thing of rarity." Talyn turned to me. "This is a good sign."

"I hope so," I replied.

Talyn looked deeply into my eyes and said, "I can see that." He turned to the other Wind Riders and addressed them. "This was a sign from Bronte. We will make them a wagon to carry them to Loria. Use the forest for materials, then we will eat."

The Wind Riders made the wagon not long after that, gathering wood and making a bed of grass in the back. When they were finished, it was night and we sat down to eat around the fire in the middle of the encampment. The fire was just for warmth, however, as we had bowls of sweet berries for dinner. They didn't eat animals and Lucas and I didn't want to be discourteous.

"Our training was the best time!" said Okane, standing up and pretending like his legs were stuck into the ground. "I had to navigate the swamps of the Green Wood blindfolded and I got stuck in quicksand. Talyn had to come and save me!"

"And that wasn't the only time he saved you," said Jakon, a well-built relic with short hair. "Talyn is the most honorable among us."

Talyn shook his head and said, "That's untrue. We all have honor within us, we just have to embrace it."

"You can't deny that you are the most connected to Bronte," said Okane as he sat back down.

I agreed with him, and I'm ashamed to say that I felt a tinge of jealousy. I saw the way that everyone was looking at him, as if he could do no wrong. I could understand why Eldwyn felt fondly for him. By comparison, I was so full of anger and ego that I probably seemed like some brute to Eldwyn.

"I'm sure you have courageous tales of your own," said Talyn looking at me. "Eldwyn has told me of your adventure in the sky."

"Yes," I said, "but like you said, we all have bravery in our hearts."

"We do," he said, his face all lit up by the red glow of the flames. "But you dear prince are truly special. You have the eyes of the griffin. Your union with the animals is one that has been spoken about for ages. At the beginning of all things, in the time of Bronte, he had companions who would speak with the animals. They were strong and brave and never backed down from evil and they became beasts of legend that protected all mankind."

There was a heavy silence and I said, "The griffin is simply my house crest. It is a creature from the land of story."

"Symbols mean something," he said. "Life spins in the wind."

After we had dinner, I pulled Eldwyn aside to make sure that he was in good condition. I had been avoiding him since we had gotten to the den, but I couldn't stop caring for him. I decided that we wouldn't leave until the next morning so that he could rest properly. He refused at first, not wanting to hold us up any further, but I reminded him what Murton taught us at the Blessed Pond and he eventually gave in.

"I'm glad that you're feeling better Eldwyn," I said. "I was worried."

"I know, knight," he said, "I can feel the heaviness of your heart."

"Yes...I'm afraid it's more than that." I looked up at the silvery moon, not wanting to admit it.

"It's Talyn."

I looked back down at him and said, "I know that I have no right to be upset. We were separated for a year and Talyn was kind to you. I'm...happy that you had someone there for you."

"We have become close. I didn't know if I'd ever see you again—"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Eldwyn. I just want you to be well...even if that's not with me."

Eldwyn left and I stayed behind to collect myself. I needed to be strong for everyone, whether I had happiness or not. It wasn't about me. It was about Askeran. I closed my eyes and held out my arms in front of me, concentrating on what I needed and opened my heart to nature. Two brown hawks flew down and perched on my arms and I opened them.

"My friends," I said to them. "I am in dire need. I need my Sentrian sword and shield, once held by Knight Cober if I seek to destroy the Ravencrow. Fly to the armory in the Sentria Castle and return to me by morning light. Now, fly."

They flew off westward and I watched them disappear in the dark blue night sky. No matter how much my heart hurts, I will not be driven away from my calling. 

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