Home alone with you

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Chapter six: Home alone with you (Madison's POV)

I woke up the next morning to chaos downstairs. It's nine-thirty and that's surprisingly early for the people in this household. I freshened up and went downstairs to see Julia and Noah heading out while Nick and Riley were arguing. Again. They argue a lot. "What is it today?" I asked Jacob while grabbing a bowl to have some cereal in. 

"He accidentally woke her up when he sneezed," he laughed while folding his arms across his chest, leaning against the counter, enjoying the free entertainment. I poured my milk after the cereal and stood beside him, watching the show. 

"I had to sneeze Riles!" Nick explained. 

"Well you shouldn't have needed to sneeze!" she countered. 

I snorted, almost choking on my milk. They both turned to glare at us and I quickly turned around so my back was facing them and they couldn't see me laughing my ass off. 

"Let me help you with that," Jacob bit back a laugh and took a spoon, sharing the cereal with me and I swear I would've smacked him if I wasn't too busy laughing. After a while, we turned back around to see them still arguing. 

"Why are you snapping at me? Are you on your period?" Nick asked. 

"Oh no," Jacob and I mumbled in sync. Wrong thing to say to a pissed off girl, buddy. She began shoving and smacking his shoulder over and over again and I left the room and went into the backyard before I lost it. Welcome to our house. What a start to the day. 

After a while, when they were calm, they too went out on a date leaving Jacob and me home. I was in my room when my door opened. "And here I had a delightful dream that I was home alone," I sighed, not moving my eyes from my phone. 

"Well, you are. With me," he smiled while sitting beside me. 

"Home alone with you. What a dream," I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. 

"You're very hurtful at times you know," he chuckled while feigning hurt and placing his hand on his chest. 

"Do you want something or is it just the usual? Here to annoy me?" I asked with the fakest smile possible.

"Just the usual, I suppose," he shrugged. "What are you looking at?" he asked while peeping into my phone. 

"I'm going through my photos, Jacob. I was planning on cleaning my phone up a bit," I explained with a sigh. 

"Hold on, hold on," he grabbed the phone out of my hands. 

"What?" I asked, looking at him weirdly.

"Is that you?" he asked while clicking a picture that I had Nick take of Julia, Riley and me. We all went to Miami Beach during spring break for the week and took a bunch of pictures. I looked closely at the picture. 

"Yeah, it's me. Who does it look like?" I looked at him weirdly. I was wearing a white bikini and I was standing in the middle with Julia and Riley on my left and right and we were all standing in a huddled bunch, smiling wide at the camera. 

"Not you," he chuckled while shaking his head. 

"Why?" I chuckled as he zoomed in on me. 

"That's what you hide under sweatpants?" he smirked while giving me a pointed look. 

"Do you have any idea how perverted that makes you sound?" I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Take it as a compliment, Mads," he bumped my shoulder with his and kept looking at the picture. 

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