-Chapter Twenty Five-

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A/N thank you so so so much for reading our story! We really appreciate it and thank you for 100 views! It means the world that someone likes our story! We will be publishing a sequel to this book so be sure to check that out once it hits! Please be sure to vote, comment, read, and share our story! Thank you!

— Ellie and Denver

"Get in the shoes!" Lise says. She knows that we're running late. I slip my feet in and throw a shawl on that Helen gives me, and then Anastasia grabs my arm and pulls me out of my quarters. She's muttering things that I can't make out, but I thinks she's angry with me, or Lise.

Outside, a car is waiting for us. I can see the faint outline of Kato in there along with the driver. A man opens the door for me and I rush inside along with Anastasia.


It's not a long drive to the city center, and by city center, I mean It's the training center where I stayed during the preparation for the games. Just seeing it brings back the haunting memories.

I push them to the back of my head, because outside, there are thousands of people again, craining to see me. I start to wave, blowing kisses. People lean over each other to catch them. And then, the car comes to a halt.

I grasp onto Kato's arm, and pull myself out of the car. Camera's are flashing everwhere, so I have to block my face. Guards usher me inside of the city centre, pulling back anyway who dares to touch me. Is this what being famous feels like? I'm only 16! Well, I'm turning 17 in a few weeks.

Once inside, they take my shawl off of me and lead me to the backstage area, the area I was for my interview during the games. This is where Lena Mayers died. This is where Onix and I stood together.

"You're going to go on immediately, okay? Just wait for Julius to call you on to the stage." Anastasia whispers. I nod.

"Will Kato come up with me?" I say. She shakes her head.

"No, you have to wait until he's called up."

"Now!" The cheery voice of Julius sounds. "Can we please welcome, the winner of the 11th Crown's Game, the Queen of Thecia, Miss Aspen Woods!"

That's me!

I quickly rush up onto the stage to greet Julius. Again, the lights are blinding, people are screaming my name. I feel like time is slowing down as I walk up to him. Sounds have faded out. I grab Julius' hand before I fall over.

"Miss Woods! Welcome back!" Julius says, looking at me. I smile sweetly, and let go as we sit on the chairs provided.

"Thank you, Julius. It's only been a day since I've last seen the arena." I say quietly, looking behind myself. There's my family watching me, and Kato. I thought I'd never seen them again.

"Now. What was your though that moment that you defeated Zara Kilton?" Julius says, leaning forward like it's the most amazing thing he'll ever hear.

Zara Kilton. That's her full name. I never knew it. I bet her family is watching this, watching me. They're probably crowded by the tv to see what stupid thing I'm going to say about her. When I killed her, I didn't think about her family, I didn't think about her life.

"Oh, Zara. I-I didn't like killing anyone in those games. But I did what I had to do to survive, to see my family again. To see my fiancé again. It was confusing to find that I was safe. That I was the lone survivor. I still can't believe it, that I'm home. Safe." My voice sounds distance, the tears starting to form in my eyes. I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry. I don't want to be here, I don't want to be here. I just want to go home, Serenade. I want to see the market again, I want to see my house again, I want to see the beautiful sun peek out behind the pine trees through my window. But of course, I can't say that.

"Yes, yes. Of course. We understand, and we praise your sacrifce!" He calls out, rasing my hand high. "I also remember what you were wearing on your interview day, and It was beautiful! Wasn't it?"

The crowd cheers so loud, that I could've lost my hearing. But Julius hushes down the crowd in order to ask the next question.

"And you said that you, infact, have a fiance! Let's bring him out, Mr. Kato Hert of Serenade!" Julius points to the wing, where Kato walks out of, straight to me. I stand, and hug him tight.

"Be prepared to answer dumb questions." I whisper quickly and clearly. He nods and sits down next to me.

"Kato! Answer this for me, how difficult was it to watch her go through those games? How many times did you feel like she would die?" Julius questions. Kato smiles and turns to the audience with no effort.

"Needless to say that no one has it easy watching their loved ones in pain, but watching Aspen go through that was the worse torture for me." He pauses. "And I can imagine that for Aspen it was even worse than what I watched."

Julius nods. "Yes, of course. It would be hard to do that, and for you, Miss Woods. It must've been hard."

It's hard for Julius to respond to any questions, because he can't relate to anything. My father told me that since he 15, he's been treated like a darling, getting anything he'd ever want.

"But, today at the city center, we will be re watching the Crown's Game right here, live!" He cheers.

Not again.

The screen behind me starts to glow. It's starting in the arena, filming me holding the necklace around my neck. I reach up for it now, and surprisingly, it's still there. I smile at Kato to indicate that I'm still wearing it.

And now, we're starting to fight in the centre, Laura lands on top of me and gets off eventually. I slash Sydni Glass's arm. Then Katerina, Onix, Billi, and I run off to camp. Seeing them all just makes me want to curl up into a small ball and cry.

The rest of the games goes by in blurbs. Me saving Cassidy, Cassidy dying. Something about that moment makes me realize that she is dead because of me, and she won't because of me.

Then, I notice that they skip over Isabella's death. No one realizes it but me. Did they even show that on live television? I wonder.

Katerina's death is played, so I look away, burying my face into the arms of Kato, who's stroking my hair softly. Then comes Billi, and Onix. I don't look at any of them, I just focus on the tears that stream down my face. I can hear my singing, which makes everything worse. The audience gives sighs of sympathy.

A few more battles, and there's me fighting Zara all over again. I can't watch. I can't watch, even if they want me too. They can't make me.

At the end of the games, it cuts out, and the screens are empty again. It's over, Aspen. It's over. You don't have to watch it again.

You only have to watch it in your nightmares.

A Crown's Game|✔︎UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now