Bad First Impression

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It had been a few days since Hux had questioned you about your relationship with the Resistance. You still weren't sure how he found out that you knew Leia. Much less, how he'd known that she'd spoken to you about battle plans. Regardless, you were absolutely terrified for whatever he had in store for you. 

Hours passed like minutes in your cell, your head spinning with a million questions. With every tiny noise, you imagined a squad of troopers busting in and dragging you back to the cold, metal interrogation chair. Maybe Hux would torture you. Beat you senseless until you eventually faded away. You knew for sure, that no matter what he did to you, you would not give up any information. Enough people had died already. You didn't want to be responsible for any more. 

It was the middle of the night. You'd been awake for hours, staring hopelessly at the plain black ceiling over your head. Your body was cold, your only clothing an old, ragged bra and a thin white gown they'd given you to sleep in. Your heart rate felt like it hadn't slowed down at all since the last time you were strapped to that chair, the cold metal against your skin. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and pulling the thin sheets up around your body. You could hear your heartbeat slamming in your ears, thump thump thump. It was like a drum ringing through your head. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get rid of it. There was no hope of falling asleep tonight. Sitting up, frustrated, you rubbed your eyes with your palms. 

You sat there in the silence. It was almost louder than if there had been any noise. It suffocated you, draining you of your sanity. The windowless room seemed so much smaller at night. It was like the dark walls were closing in around you, trapping you forever. You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling yourself start to panic. Breathe, you told yourself, just breathe. You focused on your heartbeat, feeling it slow steadily with each deep breath. Your body slowly started to relax, sinking back down into your cot. 

Just as you finally felt calm again, you heard the door to your cell jerk open. Sitting up frantically, you instinctively reached over your chest with your hand, guarding your barely covered breasts. A single trooper stood at your doorway, blaster in hand. A shiver ran through your body. Just the sight of one of them made your blood run cold. His white mask flashed in your memory. You imagined his blaster coming down on your head, the loud crack of your skull ringing in your ears... He made a step into the room, snapping you back to reality. 

"Get up," he ordered, his voice robotic and cold.

Your cheeks burned red as you tentatively pulled the sheets off of your legs and shifted sideways, your feet touching the floor. Your bare skin against the cold stone sent a chill through you. 

"Where are you taking me?" You choke out, sounding more terrified than you intended to. 

He didn't answer, instead marching towards you and yanking you onto your feet. His gloved hand squeezed tightly around your arm, and you yelped as he pulled you forwards into the hallway. You grunted as he forced you along, pushing you out in front of him and shoving his blaster against your back. 

"Walk, scum." He hissed, smacking the tip against your shoulder blade. Yelping again, you picked up your pace. In the nighttime's silence, the trooper's boots sounded like gunshots against the hard floor. Each step made you wince. 

Starkiller's halls were cold. Empty. They felt dead, like no life had ever existed in them. Each door you passed looked exactly the same, and you wondered how anyone was ever supposed to find their way around. It was like a maze, every turn you took leading you deeper in. Eventually you came up on something you recognized, the interrogation chamber you'd been taken to before. You headed for it, slowing as you approached the door. 

"No," the trooper commanded, smacking at your shoulder, "We're not stopping here."

You heart nearly stopped. Where the hell were you going then? 

"Um," you managed to whisper, "This is where I've been questioned before."

He didn't respond, instead continuing to force you forwards, his blaster pressing harder against you. You flinched, shuffling forwards. As you ventured deeper into the maze-like halls, your heartbeat quickened with each new corner. You had a sinking feeling that you would never come back this way. Or any way. I'm walking to my death, aren't I. The thought seeped through your mind, bringing hot tears to the corners of your eyes. You tried not to, but you started sobbing, tears clouding your vision as the trooper led you forwards. Your cries echoed through the silence, and you could almost feel the trooper's discomfort growing behind you. 

"Stop," he ordered, "Now."

You didn't. Instead, you raised your hands over your face and sobbed into them. He tensed, standing straighter as he marched along. He didn't say anything else, but you didn't care. This is it, you repeated to yourself. I'm going to die. You tried to bring happy memories to your mind. Thoughts of the Resistance flooded in. Meeting Leia, her becoming the mother figure you never had, making friends with everyone in your camp. You remembered how Leia had smiled at you, her hand on your shoulder, as she told you she was proud of what you had done, of who you had become. She'd pulled you in for a hug, her arms wrapping around you, making you feel whole again after you'd felt empty for so long. Another flood of tears streamed down your face, you cries growing louder and louder. 

You were so hysterical that you didn't even notice when the trooper led you into a darker hallway than all the others, pushing you into a small black and grey room. It was warmer in this room, and there was a small window on the wall facing towards you. Endless space met you teary gaze, bright stars shining in your eyes. It was calming for a moment, before you looked down and realized the large, metal chair in the center of the room. An interrogation chair, like the one you'd seen before, but bigger. More intimidating. The trooper shoved you forward again, placing his hands on your shoulders and spinning you around to face him. He forced you back into the seat, holding down your arms and strapping them in. He did the same with your legs, the cold cuffs agitating your bare skin. 

Stepping back, he scoffed.

"You deserve everything that's coming to you, scum" he whispered, turning around and marching out of the room. You stared at him, terror filling your body. Everything that's coming to you. His words were like knives to your heart. You felt frozen as the door slammed closed behind him, and you were left alone in the silence. After sitting for a moment, you realized how terrible you must look. You face was most definitely red and swollen from all the tears. Your hair, tangled and unwashed, was hanging over your face in rogue strands. You tried to turn your head to look around, but were held still by all of the shackles. You groaned in frustration, straining against them. It was no use. There was no escaping. 

You weren't sure how long it was until you eventually started to drift off. You were exhausted after not sleeping for so long, and your breakdown had taken even more energy out of you. Your eyes grew heavy, your head drooping down to rest against your chest. The beeping of a panel on the wall lulled you to sleep, finally allowing you to escape the storm in your head. Finally at peace, you slept. 

The hours passed by as you rested. You dreamed of the base. The family you'd found there. You imagined yourself running towards the command center, meeting with Leia and listening to one of her stories. She'd always had such amazing ones, about the old war. You often doubted how true they were, but you really didn't care. It was crazy to imagine that the galaxy was really as big as she said it was. The resistance base was the only place you'd ever been, or at least that you remembered. Eventually, you started to stir. A painful cramp in your neck greeted you. Groaning, you slowly pulled open your eyes and lifted your gaze, examining your surroundings. 

As soon as you did, you felt your heart stop. You weren't alone anymore. Kneeling in front of you was a man, clothed in dark black robes and a metal mask. You couldn't see his eyes at all, but somehow you could feel them on you like a laser, scanning over every inch of your body. His black gloved hands rested on his knee, squeezed into tight fists. You couldn't find any of his skin, not even on his wrists under the gloves.  He was hidden completely. 

You knew exactly who he was. 

Kylo Ren.

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