A Change of Scenery

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"Please" you begged, your voice trill. "Please Kylo, let me cum-"

You were ripped from your dream abruptly by a rough voice in your ear. 

"Hey," a tall trooper met your tired gaze as your eyes flutter open, prodding at your sleeping body with his blaster. You sat up quickly, pulling the covers over your body, eyes flashing with fear. 

"Get up." He ordered.

"What time is it?"

He didn't respond. You rolled your eyes, sliding to the edge of the cot and standing up. He led you to the hallway, blaster again pressing against your shoulder blades. Troopers really were all the same. 

"Where are you taking me?" You questioned, craning your neck to look back at him as you walked. 

"You're being relocated."

You furrowed your brow, confused. 

"What the fuck does that mean?"

He smacked against your shoulder, shoving you forwards.

"Watch your mouth, scum. I have orders to move you. That's all I know."

You turned back around, grimacing. Being relocated? To where? You suddenly wondered if this had anything to do with what had happened the night before. It couldn't possibly. Unless...

"Orders from who?" You asked, innocently. 

"That information is not for you to know."

You frowned, dragging your bare feet against the cold floor. You had an idea of who the order was from. You just weren't sure if it was a good thing yet. As you walked along, you noticed that the halls weren't so lifeless anymore. Squads of troopers marched past you in tight formation, their feet moving in perfect union. Men and women dressed in tight grey and black uniforms shuffled along, never meeting your gaze. They all looked so sterile, dead. Everything at Starkiller just seemed to be so...empty. Frigid. The whole place just creeped you out. 

The trooper led you along quickly, shoving you when your pace slowed even the slightest bit. Eventually you approached a place you--embarrassingly--recognized. The room you'd been questioned in yesterday stood in front of you. A memory flashed through your mind, the feeling of Kylo's fingers, slipping into you one-by-one...

Shaking your head, you snapped out of it, looking back at the trooper. He ignored you, instead pushing you past the room and down another hallway. You furrowed your brow in confusion as he directed you down the corridor, walking down to the very end and stopping at a tall black door with red, white, and green buttons. It had no handle, you noticed. Just a flat, dark surface. Sliding next you, he reached out to press the buttons in an order too complicated for you to follow. In response they flashed bright white, and you heard the door's lock click open. Pushing it forward, the trooper shoved you inside the room, following you closely. 

Bright white walls met your eyes. In fact--everything was white. A small bedroom with a couch in the corner laid before you. You took a deep breath as you ventured further in, running you hands over the top of the cream-colored leather of the furniture. The floor was the same as the kind in the halls, but it matched the walls--bright white. It was almost too much for your eyes to take in at once. The stark contrast between this room and the rest of Starkiller was shocking. It made your head ache. Looking up--you noticed something that made your heart leap with excitement. A window. It was huge. It spanned across the entire back wall, endless space meeting your eager gaze. You ran towards it, throwing your hands against the glass. You ate up the view, taking it all in. After being trapped inside that cell for so long, it almost brought tears to your eyes. 

"You'll be staying here for the time being." The trooper said from behind you. You'd almost forgotten he was there. You spun around to face him, leaning your back against the window. "While you're questioned."

You nodded, peering at him suspiciously. This all seemed too good to be true. You didn't trust it for a minute, but you wouldn't pass up the chance to escape that disgusting pit of a cell. He turned, making his way towards the exit. Slipping out of the room, he closed the door behind him. You heard the lock click back. You were trapped, but at least you were trapped here. It was certainly a step up. 

You looked around the room, you eyes adjusting to the brightness. A small door--you noticed--was almost completely camouflaged into the wall next to you. You walked over to it, pressing lightly against it. It opened, revealing a small bathroom and--to your amazement--a shower. The sight of it made you tear up. You'd never realized how a thing like being deprived of a place to bathe had made you feel so much less human. You rushed towards it, switching it on and letting the scalding water rush over you. Still fully clothed, you ran your hands over your body, scrubbing off the sweat and--other stuff--stuck to your skin. You combed your slender fingers through your matted hair, smoothing out each strand. Your tears melted together with the hot stream, rushing down over your face. You welcomed them, finally feeling relaxed for the first time in weeks. It was naive to feel that way, maybe. You knew that, but you had to give yourself this short moment of relief. Just for a moment.  

Your tears eventually stopped, and you shut off the water. Clambering out, you grabbed a towel and wrapped it around yourself. Venturing back out into the main room, something sitting on the bed caught your eye. Clothes. You picked through the layers, folded nicely in a stack. A white undershirt, a thin grey jacket, a bra, underwear, light brown pants, and socks. Sitting next to the stack, a pair of black boots. You marveled at them, running your fingers over the fabrics. What was all this for? You thought to yourself. There had to be some sort of ulterior motive for them showing you mercy. There was no way that the First Order had just decided to treat you like a human all of a sudden. Whatever their plan was, you didn't really care. You were happy to never get back into that nightgown again. Dropping the towel once you were dry, you slipped on the new outfit, the soft cotton caressing your skin. You slipped the pants on, then the boots, which all fit perfectly

You moved back into the bathroom, finally getting a look at yourself in the mirror. A sudden realization hit you. It had been weeks since you'd seen yourself at all. You held your own gaze in your reflection. Your deep brown eyes stared back at you. Your skin was paler than you remembered. Your cheeks were still rosy like you remembered them, but your expression looked tired. It seemed as though you hadn't slept in days, which was half-true. Your hair had gotten longer, reaching past your breasts and falling over your shoulder in deep brown curls. Looking closer, you noticed a new, deep scar on your cheek. Leaning towards the mirror, you traced over it gingerly. You weren't exactly sure where it had come from. The trooper at the base, you suspected. 

Tired of looking at your face, you made your way back to the room. You collapsed down onto the white couch, the soft surface bracing you fall. Nestling into the cushion, you let your mind drift off, your eyes fluttering closed. You were sure that the sense of security you were feeling was most definitely going to be short lived. Drifting off to sleep again, you tried to enjoy it while it lasted. 

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