Do You Know Who He Is?

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You screamed, ripped from your sleep, as four big hands grasped at your arms, yanking you across the floor. You were confused and disoriented as you were dragged into the hallway and hosted up onto your feet, your hands being bound behind you in tight cuffs. They scraped against your skin, and you winced at the feeling of the cold metal. 

"Hold still," one of the troopers groaned, clicking them closed around your wrists. Your eyes were tired, aching from being woken up so abruptly, and your vision was blurred with sleep. Your head spun with confusion as they began to force you down the hallway, trying to process what was going on. But quickly, you remembered. 

You shivered as you thought of what had happened the day before--and even worse--what had happened last night. You cringed at the memory of Kylo's reaction to you asking to know his name. You wished you could go back and un-ask. You hadn't wanted up upset him, but you had. And now look what you'd done. You needed his support now more than ever--your life literally depended on it. 

Terror coursed through your veins as the troopers led you through Starkiller's maze. The hallways all blended together after a while, and you felt as though you'd been walking for hours, your feet getting sore. Eventually though, you came up on something you'd never seen before. A giant, circle shaped elevator, shooting straight up for as far as you could see. It seemed to never end, and you gulped as you were shoved towards it with a painful jab to your shoulder. One of the troopers moved from your side and fiddled with a small panel on the wall, entering a code too complicated to remember. With a hiss, the tall door to the elevator opened slowly, revealing a small circular room. The walls were black, but they were covered with a hundred geometric shaped white lights. They blinded you a little as you walked in, your eyes still adjusting to being awake. The troopers shoved you inside and closed the door behind them, locking you inside. After a moment, the elevator lurched upwards and started to move, slowly at first, but speeding up quickly. You took a deep breath and exhaled through your nose, trying not to panic. You had no idea what to expect. You didn't know anything about this "Supreme Leader Snoke". You had no idea who he was, or what he looked like, or what he was planning on doing with you. You shivered, imagining all the terrible things that could happen. You shot up through Starkiller's core, your heart beating faster and faster the higher your rose. You noticed that even the troopers seemed to tense as you got closer to your destination. Were they afraid too? That only made you feel worse. 

You were lost in your thoughts until the elevator suddenly slowed to a stop, jerking as it locked into position. Your blood ran cold and you tensed your spine, readying yourself for whatever was about to appear in front of you. You tried to seem calm and collected. You wanted to stay strong and look unafraid. Anything but completely terrified would do. But still, your skin flashed a pale white color, all the blood draining from your face as fear overtook you. Your lip trembled as the door popped, readying to open. With a slow hiss, it finally slid sideways, revealing the room before you.

As soon as you laid your eyes on it, your heart stopped cold. You blinked in utter disbelief at what you were seeing, mouth hanging open. You'd seen this place before. The giant, circular room laid before you, walls drenched in bright red. The floor, just as shiny and black as you remembered it, flashed your terrified reflection back at you. The pillars above your head seemed even bigger than they'd been in your dream, towering over your head. It felt like they were mocking you--you were so tiny compared to them. To their power. A chill ran through you as the troopers shoved you forward again, your feet crossing the threshold of the elevator and into the room. It was cold--just like you remembered. And it felt even darker now that you were really here. The air hung with a certain heavy, dead feeling. It made you instantly uncomfortable as you walked forward, your feet feeling like bricks as you dragged them along. As you focused your gaze on the center of the room, the giant throne met your gaze, bigger than you remember it. But that wasn't the biggest difference. This time, it wasn't empty. 

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