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By the time you woke up, Kylo was already gone. You frowned--your heart dropping a little--at the empty space next you. For some reason, you'd kind of expected him to stay. You weren't sure why. Your naked body shivered under the thin blanket, the absence of his warm body pressed against your making you feel empty. You slipped out from under it and searched for your clothes scattered around the floor. You smirked, remembering Kylo as he ripped them off of you, a ravenous hunger in his eyes. Your watch caught your eye, glowing on the ground. You didn't remember taking it off, but you picked it up and glanced at the time. Noon. You shrugged. You'd finally gotten some good sleep. 

You turned, your eyes scanning the floor. But your gaze fell on something new, surprise rushing through you. Kylo's mask sat on the ground next to your bed, its lifeless face staring up at you. You glanced around confusedly. Why had he left it? You shuffled towards it, somehow still intimidated by it even without his face underneath. You felt like it was watching you with its dark holes of eyes, and you almost winced as you reached forward, picking it up gingerly in your fingertips. It was heavier than you though it would be, and your arms drooped as you hauled it onto the cot. It landed with a muffled smack on the mattress and you backed away, staring at it suspiciously. Had he meant to leave it? It didn't seem like him to go around without it on. You hated to look at it. It almost gave you a sick feeling. But you just couldn't help yourself as you scooted towards it, running your fingers over its exterior. You traced along the metal lines around the eyes, running your pointer finger along the seams in the black obsidian. You almost got an adrenaline rush as you picked it up, holding it out in front of you. A strange idea came to your mind. What if you put it on? Just to see what it felt like to wear it. Maybe you'd understand him then. You shrugged, glancing towards the door. You were alone. No one would know. 

Slowly, you raised it above your head, taking a deep breath before lowering it over your hair and masking your face in the black helmet. Darkness surrounded you as it fit into place, your pupils widening to adjust to the lack of light. You couldn't see for a moment, but when you finally could, you exhaled the breath you'd been holding in. It pressed tightly against the sides of your scull, giving you an instant headache. Maybe that was why he was in such a bad mood all the time, you laughed to yourself. But as you laughed, your voice spilled out in a robotic tone, making you jump in surprise. You'd forgotten it did that. 

"Hellooo," you said to yourself, listening to your new voice echo through the room. You laughed, standing up from the bed and pacing around the room. "I'm Kylo Ren," You continued in your best Kylo-like voice, marching in a circle with your spine straight and your shoulders back. "I act really mean and tough but really I have a soft spot and my real name's Ben So--"

You were cut off as the door slammed open, hitting the wall with a loud smack. You jumped with a yelp, your masked face turning towards the noise, terror catching your words in your throat. Kylo stood in the doorway, seething. You were frozen in the middle of the room, mid-step, your mouth hanging open inside the mask. Kylo's eyes scanned over you, his lip twisted into a snarl.

"Hi," You stuttered, your synthetic voice making his eye twitch. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice trembling with fury. Was the really this mad over a mask?

"I--um, you left this here." You gestured stupidly at the helmet on your head, embarrassment washing over you. 

"I did." He replied, storming into the room and shutting the door behind him, "I didn't know you would be so immature about it." You scoffed, grasping at the back of the helmet and pulling it forward over your head. Your hair sprung free, falling in tangles over your face. You tossed the mask back onto the cot, frowning and crossing your arms. 

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