1- Pandemonium

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"Clary, we are going to be late!"

"Chill out, I'm almost ready! Besides , Simon can wait!"

Ethan looked at his watch and sighed. "Well maybe I don't want to" he muttered under his breath.

Seconds later, Clary emerged from her bedroom in jeans and a sparkly black top. She had her hair in loose ginger curls that fell around her shoulders. Ethan had to, begrudgingly, admit to himself that his sister looked all right. But, naturally, what came out of his mouth was:

"It took you an hour and a half to put that on?"

Clary rolled her eyes violently. She knew that Ethan loved her, and that this was natural sibling banter, but tonight it got on her nerves a little. 

"Would it kill you to maybe be nice to me every once in a while?" she asked, huffing slightly.

A stab of guilt clutched at Ethan's stomach. He looked at her in concern. "Clare-bear, is everything okay? I was only joking, I didn't mean to upset you"

Clary's eyes softened, and she shook her head gently. "No, E, it wasn't you. I guess I'm on edge because Mom has been so high strung lately"

Ethan nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I tried asking her what was wrong after she screamed at you for a speck of paint on the table, and she looked ready to throw her palette at me"

Clary looked at her brother, quizzically. "What do you think it could be?"

Ethan shrugged. "Beats me. Besides, that women is more mysterious than an Agatha Christie novel. I'd be surprised if we ever find out"

Ethan looked at his watch again and swore softly under his breath. "Simon will be wondering where we are. We better go"

Ethan slung his arm around his sister's shoulder and steered her out of the door. They walked for a couple of blocks in silence, admiring the stars in a sky that was clear for once. After a while, Clary nudged Ethan in the ribs with her elbow.

"So... are you gonna chat up any fit guys at Pandemonium?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Ethan laughed " As if there are any fit guys in Manhattan to chat up"

Clary giggled "You never know," she said smiling, "there could be this dark brooding stranger with gorgeous eyes sat at the bar, and your eyes might meet from across the room and then-"

"- I will make a massive fool of myself and run away" Ethan finished, interrupting Clary's ramblings. "Seriously, Clary, I'm not gonna bother. I already know that its my destiny to be forever alone"

Clary stopped suddenly, stretching her arm to block Ethan from walking any further. "Please, big brother, stop putting yourself down like this. You're hot, own it!"

Ethan smiled. His sister could be so sweet and supportive when she wanted to be. "Thanks Clare-bear. You're not so bad yourself. Now let's double time it to Pandemonium before Simon sends out a distress signal"

** time skip, brought to you by Alec buying Jace a duck for his birthday **

When they finally arrived at Pandemonium, Simon was at the front of the queue to get in. When the pair got closer, Ethan whistled to get his attention. He groaned, reluctantly giving up his place in the line to wait with Clary and Ethan.

"I wasted half an hour in that queue! You could have told me that you'd be late. I would have slept for longer" Simon grumbled

Ethan sighed wistfully. "Ahhh, the joys of sleep. I would have taken a nap too, only Clary forced me to be her model again!  These Tisch classes better pay off, they're giving you enough to do"

"Hey!" Clary folded her arm over her chest, moving forward as the queue shortened, "what's more important? Your sleep, or my lifelong dream of becoming an artist?"

Ethan and Simon looked at each other and cried out "SLEEP!" at the same time, laughing hysterically afterwards.

"You've got to be kidding me. You can't bring that thing in here!"

"Oooh! I smell drama!" Ethan said in a sing-song voice.

All three of them craned their necks around the people in front of them to get a better look. There was a boy around Clary's age with shocking blue hair at the front of the line with the bouncer. Ethan hoisted Clary onto his shoulders so she could get a better look.

"Aw, come on." The kid held the mentioned object over his head. Ethan, Clary and Simon could see that it looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. "It's part of my costume"

Ethan tapped  Clary's leg with his hand "There you go. Another cosplay nerd for you to play with, baby sis"

Clary slapped Ethan's head gently "Shut up. I'm not a nerd. Besides, I'm trying to listen"

The bouncer scoffed slightly and raised an eyebrow "Which is what?"

The boy grinned. He had clearly been wanting someone to ask. "I'm a vampire hunter. It's fake." he said, bending it, "Foam rubber, see?"

The bouncer clearly thought he wasn't getting paid enough for this. He rolled his eyes, hard, and gestured for the boy to go past. "Whatever. Go on in"

The boy turned and caught the gaze of Clary. With a wink in her direction, he turned and slipped past the bouncer. Ethan caught Clary staring after him.

"Clary's got a boyfriend, Clary's got a boyfriend" Ethan sang and, to his surprise, Simon joined in. 

"Shut up the pair of you" Clary said as she jumped off Ethan's shoulder and walked past the bouncer into the crowded club.

A/N- Hey guys! I hope you liked the first part! Just a quick note to say I will be writing this story based on the books rather than the show. I'm aiming to write a part a day, and with the current unfortunate circumstances, I reckon that I will manage that. I have found myself with a lot of time on my hands. So... next part tomorrow!

Until then,


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