35- The Moment Of Truth

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The day had arrived. The wedding of Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell.

Ethan had woken up early that morning. He went down and raided the kitchen of all of the junk food it possessed, then barricaded himself in his room. Deep down, he knew he was being a bit dramatic, but he felt like he could be excused for just this day. Especially if he had to spend the rest of his life pretending to be happy for Alec and Lydia. 

He lay on his bed, halfway through a box of dark chocolates and crying,  when Magnus portalled into his room. Magnus took one look at Ethan and sighed, sitting on the bed next to him.

"It hurts, doesn't it? Seeing the man you love marrying someone else..." he asked, patting Ethan on his shoulder. 

Ethan rolled onto his back and flung an arm over his face. "Are you coming here to rub it in, Mags? If so, I'm not in the mood"

Magnus dragged Ethan's arm away from his face and wiped his tears away. "Izzy, Jace and Clary are really worried about you, Ethan. And I'm willing to bet you that Alec is too"

Ethan groaned, sitting up. "Not to point out the obvious or anything, but Alec is marrying someone else. I doubt he'd be worried about someone with a stupid crush on him"

Magnus clasped Ethan's shoulders and shook him lightly, but hard enough to get his point across. "This isn't just a stupid crush is it, though? You love him, don't you?"

"Ow, Mags, stop!" he exclaimed, continuing when Magnus stopped shaking him, "Okay, yes, I love him. But there's nothing I can do about it, he's already getting married. It's too late"

Magnus tutted, eyes sparkling mischievously. "There's no such thing as too late. Go to the wedding and tell him!"

Ethan gaped at Magnus in shock. "I can't just crash the wedding after I said I wasn't going!"

Magnus seemed to be getting more and more excited, at the prospect of Ethan crashing the wedding, by the minute. 

"No, think about it. This way, it will be all dramatic and everything. You burst through those doors at the very last minute, and stand at the end of the aisle. It will capture Alec's attention, long enough for you to confess your love for him! There's no way he could refuse at all!"

Ethan shook his head, trying to process how quickly this was moving.

"But I don't have a suit, and I'm not sure I like the idea of leaving it last minute and confessing in front of the whole Institute!"

Magnus waved a hand, dismissively. "Raphael already dropped a spare suit round for you. And do you really have a better plan to stop this? Because, deep down, you know you want to stop this from happening"

Ethan said nothing.

Magnus continued. "Coming from someone who is hundreds of years old, raw and powerful connections like yours and Alec's don't come around very often. In fact, there were only ever two people I felt that way with..."

"Who were they?" Ethan questioned.

"It doesn't matter," Magnus said, his cheeks tinged pink, "My point is that this is a rare and beautiful connection that you will regret letting pass. Trust me. If there's still a chance you can save it, you have to try. You owe that much to yourself."

Ethan thought for a moment, then wiped his eyes and stood up.

"Where's the suit?" Ethan smiled weakly.

As Magnus flung his arms around him in excitement, Ethan could barely contain his nerves. In about half an hour, he would find out whether he and Alec were really meant to be, or if they had to let go once and for all. 


Alec stood at the altar, wringing his hands nervously in his white suit with golden specks.  Jace lay a hand on his shoulder for support. 

"You okay, Alec?" Jace asked, concerned for his parabatai, "You don't have to do this if you're getting cold feet. Might be better for everyone in the long run if you're actually honest with yourself for once"

Alec turned to look at Jace "Yeah. I guess... I just hoped Ethan would change his mind and come"

Jace shook his head in exasperation. "Alec, remember how much you are breaking his heart by doing this. It is a lot crueller to expect him to just sit and watch it happen"

Alec glanced once again at the door and then back at Jace, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Yeah... I guess you're right. I just need to remind myself why I'm doing this"

"I don't think anyone but Maryse understands why you're doing this, Alec" Jace muttered under his breath before music started playing throughout the hall. 

Izzy entered the room and walked down the aisle, with two steles balanced precariously on a red velvet cushion. She shot her brother a sad look as she approached him, placing the cushion on the table in front of him before standing off to the side with Jace. 

Then it was Lydia's turn to enter. She looked absolutely stunning in an intricate and sparkly golden dress, with her hair tied up in an elaborate curled plait. She smiled as she walked down the aisle alone, head held high with pride. Alec smiled softly at her, but a voice at the back of his mind wouldn't stop reminding him about who he'd rather be with. 

As Lydia reached Alec, he held a hand out to help her up the steps. She stood next to him, smiling brightly as Brother Jeremiah began to speak. 

" We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell in matrimony"

Alec focused on Jeremiah, trying to ignore both Lydia and the voice in the back of his head, telling him he didn't want this. 

" It is time for them to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune. A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart. A union is born" Jeremiah continued. 

Izzy handed both Lydia and Alec a stele each, a sad look on her face as the stele Lydia held inched closer and closer to Alec's hand. 


The doors flew open, revealing Ethan. All heads turned in his direction, and he gulped at the attention. Clary and Simon turned to him and smiled in support. He had forgotten everything he had planned to say, to confess. Instead, he opted to just stare at Alec, who had caught his eye.

"What the hell is he doing here?" he heard Maryse hiss. 

Jace turned to Izzy. "Did you know Ethan was coming after all?"

Izzy shook her head, eyes bright and smiling. "No... I didn't think he'd show!"

"I can't breathe" Alec gasped, forcing Lydia to look at him.

"Alec?" she asked, tentatively.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," Alec stated, making Jace and Izzy smile, "I thought we were doing the right thing..."

Lydia interrupted him. "You don't have to explain. Just... you deserve to be happy"

Alec turned back to face Ethan. The look that he gave him was indistinguishable, and sent a nervous shiver down Ethan's spine, as neither of them broke eye contact. Suddenly, Alec made his way back down the aisle towards Ethan, much to everyone's surprise, especially Maryse's.

"Alec what the hell are you doing?" she barked at him.

Alec merely held a hand up to stop her. "Enough"

Alec strode right past her, still steaming towards Ethan, whose heart was beating out of his chest. Before he could register what was happening, Alec pulled him by the shirt into a passionate kiss, his mouth moving furiously. Ethan gave a sigh of relief against Alec's mouth, coming alive and pulling him even closer to him. Alec pulled away slightly, and Ethan's mouth couldn't help but follow eagerly, closing the distance once again. 

Once they pulled away, Alec smiled at Ethan, ignoring everyone else in the room.

"Now this feels right," Alec stated, grinning, "Ethan, I'm addicted to you"

Addicted to you- Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now