12- Bonding

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Ethan wasn't surprised to hear that Izzy had been invited to a Downworlder party by a complete stranger. It seemed like the sort of thing that happened to her all the time. What shocked Ethan was his sudden turn in luck. This party was being hosted by none other than the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane!

"Wow," he said, aloud, drawing everyone's attention to him as they walked back to the Institute, "after days of everything going wrong, something has finally gone right"

"I know," Clary said, sighing, "it feels... unreal. Like, I know its happening, but it feels like it isn't, you know?"

Alec scowled slightly at Clary's statement, "No, I don't understand what you're on about"

Ethan rolled his eyes at the pair of them, and their rivalry, "I think what Clary meant is that this is so lucky that we're afraid that its too good to be true, and something will go wrong. Like, it will be a dead end or something, I don't know..."

Alec shook his head "No I get you... now..."

Clary rolled her eyes and muttered "Just because you fancy the nutter..."

Ethan elbowed Clary in the side, then turned to Izzy.

"So, when did the invitation say the party was, Iz?"

Izzy took the invitation out of her bag and looked at it. She stopped suddenly.

"It's tonight" she said, a grave look on her face.

She was met with five blank stares.

"Okay..." Jace said, confusion lacing his voice, "so what's the problem?"

Izzy walked up to Clary and grabbed her hand.

"We need to get ready," she said, starting to fast walk away from the boys, "we're already behind"

"What the..." Simon said

"Its barely eleven o'clock in the morning!" Alec shouted after them, "Does it really take that long?!"

"YES!" Izzy shouted back, before dragging Clary round the corner at the end of the street.

Ethan looked at where they had disappeared, then looked back at the rest of the boys.

"Girls, " he said, shaking his head fondly, "So... you guys wanna do something?"

The other three looked at each other.

"Like what?" Simon spoke up.

"Well," Ethan started, then turned to Jace and Alec, "do you guys know Star Wars?"

"What is a 'Star War'?" Alec asked, wrinkling his nose in confusion.

Ethan chuckled "You look cute when you do that"

Alec blushed and stuttered, and Jace stepped in to save him from replying to that. 

"Enough flirting. I know what Star Wars is, I've heard mundanes talk about it. But I've never watched it"

Simon lost the jealous look he was throwing Alec's way, and walked closer to Ethan. He grabbed Ethan's hands and started jumping up and down in excitement, encouraging Ethan to do the same.

"Oh my god Ethan! We need to educate them!" 

"I agree, my young Padawan," Ethan said, as he stopped jumping, "there's a special screening at the cinema around the corner. Shall we go?"

Alec and Jace shared a look that said they'd rather do anything else. But then, Ethan shot Alec a pleading look with puppy dog eyes, and he melted. 

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