8- Shadowhunters can be taught too

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As Ethan walked with Clary, Simon and Jace towards the kitchen, he couldn't help thinking about Alec's reaction to Simon being here. Sure, Simon was a mundane, and therefore wasn't supposed to be in this world let alone the Institute, but something told Ethan that that wasn't the reason he was so mad. He just couldn't put his finger on what it was.

As they entered the kitchen, Izzy gave all four of them a bright smile. She was leaning over a large soup pot, spoon in hand. Then, her eyes narrowed when she noticed Simon.

"JACE WAYLAND!" Izzy yelled, making Ethan, Clary and Simon take a step back, warily, "EXPLAIN YOURSELF!"

Jace groaned and turned to the blue Persian cat who was walking in front of him. Alec had told him that the cat's name was Church.

"Argh you stupid cat! I told you to bring me somewhere empty! Private!"

"Hey," Izzy warned, brandishing her spoon menacingly, "don't blame Church. Its not his fault that Hodge is going to kill you for bringing a mundane into the Institute"

"Backstabbing Judas" Jace muttered under his breath.

Izzy rolled her eyes, pretending not to hear. "The soup's done if anybody wants some"

Jace looked visibly alarmed. "I need to actually go and tell Hodge about what I saw. Can you stay with Ethan, Clary and... and...?"

"Simon," Simon sighed, "its not that difficult to remember"

Jace nodded and then ran out of the room, not waiting to hear Izzy's answer. There was a long awkward silence. After a few minutes stood in complete silence, Ethan couldn't stand it anymore and walked over to Izzy and the soup pot.

"Can I try some, Iz?"

Izzy actually looked shocked. "You... want to try my cooking?"

Ethan narrowed his eyes. "Yes...? Why's that so hard to believe"

Izzy shook her head, as if trying to shake away her shock. As she poured some of it into a bowl, she said "Its just... I'm not the best cook in the world, I know that, but I want to try to get better. I just can't if nobody will try it"

She handed Ethan the bowl and then asked Clary and Simon whether they wanted some too. Clary and Simon politely declined, whilst looking at Ethan warily. Ethan scooped a spoonful of soup out of the bowl and placed it in his mouth. He looked at Izzy with a slight grimace. She nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry," she sighed, "I guess I'll just throw this ou-"

"No!" Ethan yelled frantically.

Izzy looked at Ethan in alarm and confusion "But, you-"

Ethan interrupted her. "Honestly, Iz, don't throw it out. Ive had tons of practice fixing dishes. Clary's not a very good coo-"

"Hey!" Clary exclaimed, "I'm not that bad!"

Ethan ignored her. "Trust me, I'll be able to fix it"

He then took her place at the soup pot. He sniffed the soup once, twice, three times. He thought for a moment, then ate another spoonful of soup. Clary leaned over to whisper to Simon, who was watching Ethan intently.

"He thinks he's Gordon Ramsay" she whisper-giggled, and Simon chuckled in return, not breaking his gaze from Ethan.

"Hush Clary" Ethan whisper-yelled over his shoulder.

He turned back to the soup pot, after another couple of minutes of deliberation, Ethan's eyes brightened.

"Izzy, can you look in the cupboards for soy sauce, mild curry powder, salt, pepper, noodles and spring onions, please?" Ethan asked, then added as an afterthought, "oh and some red bell peppers"

Izzy stood still for a moment and then nodded. She buzzed around the kitchen quickly, finding all the ingredients for Ethan. Before she got the final ingredient out of the cupboard, Ethan yelled over his shoulder again.

"Actually, Izzy, forget the red peppers. They don't go"

Izzy nodded, shut the cupboard door and stood next to Simon, watching Ethan.

Clary snorted. "Wow, so indecisive, brother"

Ethan turned to Clary briefly, shot her a withering look and returned his gaze to the soup pot. "Clary, I love you, but shut up."

Ethan got busy, chopping and cooking and adding ingredients to the 'soup' that Izzy had made. After he had added all of the ingredients, and cooked it, he turned the heat off and smiled at the three others triumphantly.

"Finished!" he said, grinning ear to ear.

There was a knock on the kitchen door. Alec walked in, sniffing the air as he did so.

"Wow, something smells good. I'm guessing this wasn't Izzy. What's cooking?"

Izzy walked over to her brother and punched him lightly on the arm. "I made soup. But it didn't turn out well. So Ethan rescued it and made..." she paused for a moment, frowning, " Ethan, what did you make?"

Ethan smiled at both Izzy and Alec. "Izzy, it wasn't a terrible soup. You just didn't put enough salt and pepper or stock in it. It was too watery. So I turned it into chicken noodle soup instead! Who wants some?"

All four hands shot up and Ethan went to start dishing up the soup. At that moment, Jace and Hodge entered the kitchen, sniffing the air just as Alec had a few minutes ago.

"Wow, I may die of shock," Jace said, grinning, "did Isabelle Lightwood manage to make something... edible? "

He gasped dramatically. Izzy rolled her eyes.

"The soup wasn't good. I was going to throw it out, but Ethan here rescued it and turned it into chicken noodle soup!" She turned to Ethan smiling, "You'll have to teach me how to make it taste good"

Ethan laughed heartily as he handed a bowl over to both Jace and Hodge. They went to go and join Clary, Simon and Alec, who had already began wolfing down the soup.

"Of course, Izzy. We can have a go this weekend if you would like to"

Izzy grinned and hugged Ethan so fiercely that he almost dropped her bowl of soup onto her head.

"Careful." he chuckled as Izzy stepped back from the embrace.

He handed her a bowl, poured himself some soup, and sat around the table with everyone else, laughing and joking. This was why he loved cooking. He loved the way that food brought everyone together, made everyone happy .

After everyone had finished, with some going back for second helpings (or third in Jace's case- "Hey who knows when I'm going to be able taste good food like this again?"), Hodge cleared his throat.

"That was amazing Ethan, and I'm glad everyone is full and happy now, but we have to discuss a serious matter now" Hodge said gravely.


A/N- Hey guys!

I have had a tough few days, so sorry I haven't updated. I thought I'd give you a wholesome filler chapter whilst I plan the next one. Hope you liked it.

Until next time,


Addicted to you- Alec LightwoodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon