16- Impress Me

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The next morning, Ethan stopped feeling sorry for himself and decided instead to go to the library to cheer himself up. He walked through the large doors and wandered around, waiting for a book to jump out and catch his attention. He spotted 'A Study in Scarlett' and took it from its place on the shelf. As he moved the book, he was met with a pair of startled blue eyes and jumped back in shock, crashing into the seat behind him.

"Owwww" Ethan moaned in pain, "Alec, that's so your fault"

Alec moved from behind the bookcase, clutching his stomach and laughing. 

"Well, I'm not the one that decided to fall into the furniture"

"Yeah, because you gave me a heart attack! " Ethan replied, rubbing his back, "What were you doing skulking around the library, anyway?"

At this, Alec visibly blushed. Ethan noticed this and narrowed his eyes.

"It's nothing important." Alec said, trying to adopt a dismissive attitude, but failing miserably yet again.

"Alec..." Ethan pressed, his voice softening, "why are you here?"

Alec sighed in defeat and gestured to the book that Ethan was holding. 

"I came here for... that. You gave me a list of your favourite books and... I don't know, I wanted to read it so that I could... impress you"

Ethan's heart rate picked up. Alec came to... read? For him? To impress him??  

'Maybe our friendship is more than I thought it was' Ethan thought.

"Alec," Ethan said, his voice shaking slightly with pent up emotions, "consider me impressed just by the gesture. But you don't have to read to impress me. I'm plenty impressed by you already"

Alec's face lit up "Really?"

Ethan chuckled, and put the book back on the shelf, grabbing Alec's hand in the process.

"Yes, really. Now, let's go train so I can impress you"

Alec blushed at that and followed him. As they were leaving the library, they bumped into Izzy.

"Where are you two off to?" she smirked, staring pointedly at Alec and Ethan's linked hands. 

The two boys broke apart quickly, blushing like mad. 

"Erm, I erm... Ethan?" Alec asked, helplessly.

Ethan chuckled, already composed. "Me and Alec are heading to the Training room so that I can practice. I've not trained in a few days so I'm probably a little rusty. Fancy joining us, Iz?"

Izzy shook her head, still looking between the two boys and giggling. "Thanks, but I need to find Clary and Jace. Though, Ethan, come by my room later. We need to have a chat"

Ethan winked at her. "Anything for you, Iz, you know that"

Izzy laughed, "What a charmer. No wonder Alec has fallen under your spell"

Alec blushed and muttered "Shut up, Izzy" under his breath as she left. 

The two carried on towards the training room. Alec and Ethan took their jumpers off, leaving them in vest tops. Ethan saw Alec's strong muscles, and he  lost his train of thoughts entirely and just stared. That was, until, Alec waved a hand in front of his face, making Ethan blush as he realised what he had been doing.

"So..." Alec started awkwardly, also blushing, "do you wanna do weapons training or hand to hand combat training with me?"

Ethan thought for a minute before answering. 

"Hand to hand. My last training session was on weapons, so that would probably be best"

They started off slowly, almost playfully, for a while. Then, Ethan got a good hit in on Alec's jaw, making him groan. 

"Okay," he said, rubbing his jaw, "no more Mr Nice Guy"

Ethan smiled, preparing for the fight of his life. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Alexander"

The pair of them were dodging and throwing punches at each other, almost match for match. It only ended when Ethan dragged his foot along the floor, taking Alec's legs out from under him, but tripping over in the process. Ethan fell on top of Alec, and the pair of them started laughing. 

Then they stopped, and just stared at each other.

The chemistry between the two boys was powerful, radiating off them like steam. Alec, in a moment of bravery (or madness, he wasn't sure which), reached up and brushed a strand of loose hair away from Ethan's face. Ethan, instead of pulling away like Alec had expected, held Alec's hand to his cheek and leaned his face into his palm. Neither of them were sure what was happening, but they didn't want it to stop. Eventually, after a few minutes of intense eye contact, Ethan groaned.

"Fuck it" he said, and brought his lips down to meet Alec's.

Alec was shocked for a moment, but then melted into the kiss. Alec sat up slowly so that he could match Ethan's intensity with his own, wrapping his arms around Ethan's waist, as Ethan tangled his fingers in Alec's hair. Ethan bit Alec's lip lightly, making Alec gasp, and deepened the kiss even more. Alec's gasp was like music to Ethan's ears , and spurred him on. 

Eventually, the pair broke apart, dazed and giddy.

"Wow..." Alec said, touching his fingers to his lips lightly as if he couldn't believe that just happened.

Ethan chuckled "Yeah... I can't believe that just happened..."

Alec's eyes widened with realisation. His parents. There was no way that they could be together without shaming his family, Ethan's family and the Shadowhunter race. So, he did the one thing that he knew he would never forgive himself for.

"Let's just pretend it didn't" he said

Ethan's eyes widened in shock, as Alec just left. He didn't cry, or scream, or hit things. He just continued to sit on the training room floor, in shock.

A/N- Hey guys! 

Bit of a shorter chapter, I know, but I thought I'd give you something you have probably been waiting for (i.e the kiss)

Hope you enjoyed!


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