2- A Strange Encounter

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Pandemonium was filled with all sorts of interesting people. These people were edgy and different, but not in a way that made them weird. As their bodies moved gracefully in time to the beat, Ethan's barely shuffled side to side, and Simon was doing some sort of half-arsed sway that showed the fact that he too was not enjoying himself. The only person who actually liked Pandemonium was Clary, and the two boys always went with her for two reasons. One, Clary refused to socialise with anyone else at the club and two, neither Ethan nor Simon could say no to Clary. 

Clary moved gracefully, swaying her shoulders to the music whilst casually looking round the room at the other clubbers.

"Well isn't this fun?" Ethan muttered under his breath. 

Clary clearly wasn't paying attention. Her head kept swivelling around, surveying the room.

"I, for one, am enjoying myself immensely" Simon said, dryly.

Clary barely responded this time "Mmm hmm"

Ethan shot Simon a look that said 'don't bother'. Immediately after Simon shook his head fondly in response, Clary grasped Ethan's arm and shook it violently.

"Owww, Clary! What's gotten into you?" Ethan demanded, wrenching his arm from Clary's grip, nursing it gently.

A look of urgency and pure panic crossed Clary's face. She pointed into the far corner of the club, to a door marked No Admittance . " Two guys just followed the blue haired guy from before and some girl through that door. And the blonde one pulled a knife! "

Shock was evident on Ethan's face. "Clare, are you sure?" he said, and when Clary nodded, that look of shock turned into one of determination. "Simon get the bouncer. Tell him that there's someone with a knife here"

Simon gaped at the pair for a moment, then he shook himself out of whatever daze he was in, nodded, and walked towards the entrance of the club. Whilst Ethan had been giving Simon instructions, Clary had started walking determinedly towards the No Admittance door. With a  strangled groan of frustration, Ethan turned and followed her. When he caught up, he grasped her wrist and looked at her. Seeing the look on her face, he groaned again.

"There's no way I'm going to be able to convince you to stay on the dancefloor, is there?" he said, sighing.

Clary grinned despite herself. "Nope. Stay with me? I'm slightly nervous, but I want to see what's going on"

Ethan nodded and together, hand in hand, they walked towards the door. As they opened it and stepped inside, Ethan saw them immediately at the other end of the room. It took Clary a couple more minutes to focus her vision. There were two tall guys, one blonde, the other with raven coloured hair, and a tall girl who shared the same raven hair. Ethan immediately identified them as siblings. All three of them were surrounding the blue haired boy from the line.

"I could give you information," the blue haired boy gasped, "I know where Valentine is"

The blonde one laughed. "And what a coincidence! So do we!"

The girl interjected "He's in the ground. That thing is just toying with us"

The raven haired boy spoke next, with a deep yet soft voice that Ethan all but swooned at. He had a habit of finding people with voices like that attractive.

"By the Angel, every time we capture one of you guys, you claim to know where Valentine is. Its growing tiresome. He's in hell."

At the word hell, the blonde one pressed his 'knife' to the blue haired boy's stomach, and said "And you can join him there."

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