25- Bound Forever

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Disclaimer- Trigger warning: some slight homophobic comments. None of Clary's attitudes in this chapter are endorsed by me; the fact that I oppose them is one of the reasons I am adding this in here.

Meliorn led the Shadowhunters to the edge of the Realm once again, and bowed almost mockingly as they were about to leave, taking Izzy's hand and kissing the back of it.

"You'll visit me soon, I hope" he smirked, his eyes gleaming as he looked at her.

Izzy giggled and winked at the faerie as she left, linking arms with Ethan as she did so. "Might be sooner than you think, Meliorn"

Ethan chuckled and the soon-to-be parabatai followed the rest of their friends, only to find Clary moving to run after Simon, who seemed to be storming off. 

"Simon, wait!" he heard Clary shout as he moved closer to her. 

Ethan lay a hand on her arm. "Don't. Give him some time, he just saw his other crush kiss her brother "

Clary turned to look at Ethan and Izzy. Whilst Izzy was looking at her with all of the sympathy in the world, Ethan's lips were turned downwards in a kind of grimace. She met his facial expressions with a glare. 

"You think I chose to feel like this for Jace? I never meant to hurt Simon, but how is this any worse than what you did to him not so long ago?" she growled.

Ethan removed his arms from Izzy and grasped Clary by the shoulders, lightly but enough to make a point. 

"I didn't kiss our brother! Do you have any idea about what Simon could be feeling now? He's probably thinking that you were so hell bent on not liking him that you fall for your own brother instead?"

Clary wrenched herself from his grasp. "Don't pretend you understand what he's thinking. When have you ever fallen for someone who likes someone else?"

Ethan was close to shouting now, his voice getting louder by the minute, grasping the attention of Jace and Alec, who promptly made their way over.

"Every  person I've fallen for has liked someone else! That's what happens when you're a gay guy falling for straight people!  It's humiliating!"

"Oh yeah, because everything has to come to your sexuality again doesn't it," Clary scoffed.

 Ethan felt his hands curl into tight fists in anticipation, but nothing could prepare him for what she said next.

"You know, maybe its humiliating for the straight guys having gay guys fall for them. I mean, I'd feel pretty uncomfortable if I were in their shoes. Did you ever consider that?"

Izzy gasped, and her hand flew to her mouth. Each of the Shadowhunter's stared at Clary in shock horror, especially Alec.

Ethan didn't look offended, hurt, angry or upset. He just looked shocked.

Unfortunately, Alec had enough rage for the both of them. He stalked slowly over to Clary until he loomed right over her. She met his gaze, and immediately wished she hadn't.

"Did you really just say that? To your own brother?"  His voice was low, dangerous. 

"Alec," she sighed.

"No. You treat your brother like a piece of crap. So what if he's gay? So what if it happened to be relevant to what you were talking about, so he brought it up? Do you have any idea  how difficult it is being gay? Knowing that, no matter how many people say its okay, there are still people out there that are disgusted by us? I haven't come out to my parents yet for that reason. Has Ethan?!" Alec yelled, getting very riled up.

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