Chapter 10

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It was 1 am and all the guests were still dancing and some are really tipsy. The others were busy chatting with each other while Jimin and Hobi dance their heart out to the loud music while drinking.

Taehyung was at the couch making out with Jungkook. They are french kissing and they have their own world. They don't care what other people say because they were so attracted and addicted with each other.

"Come baby." Taehyung stood up and pulls Jungkook arms to stand up and they went upstairs. Jimin saw it and taps Hobi's shoulder.

"Look at those two, they will be fucking again like rabbits hahaha."

"Hahahaha oh my God you're right Jimin. Let them be and let's get dancing!" Hobi smiles at him kinda feeling tipsy.

"Cheerssss" Jimin says holding his glass of wine.

"Cheersssss!"Hobi says and they both danced again feeling the vibe of the music. They're great dancers anyway.


Jungkook has a plan that he wants to accomplish. So before they enter the room Jungkook said.

"Taehyung,I forgot something inside the car and I'll be back."


Taehyung almost waited for Jungkook inside his room,but he didn't showed up. So, he decided to go outside and search for him.

Jungkook has another accomplice to his plan other than Hobi.It was one of his friend who's at the party. He will give him the signal to execute the plan as soon as Taehyung is nearby...

Taehyung walks slowly outside his room to look for Jungkook. He went downstairs and saw a lot of his guests getting tipsy and wilding out but Jungkook was nowhere to be found. Jimin and Hobi are talking while dancing so he didn't bother them.

He gulps and continues to search for Jungkook.

"Hmmmmm where is he?" He says to himself.

As he walks near the garden, he saw Jungkook flirting with another girl with his arms wrapped around her waist.He whispers something that made the girl laugh so hard.They were all over each other and when Jungkook was about to kiss her, which is part of his plan, Taehyung suddenly walks out and ran upstairs.

He feels so betrayed and hurt.

"Well I guess men always lie and cheat. "He sighs with a teary eye closing his bedroom door. He cries seeing Jungkook flirting with another girl.

"I guess he was so impatient to wait for me to be his. Maybe that's why he was already hitting up with other girls." Taehyung says to himself.

After a few minutes,he heard a knock on the door.

"Taehyung, this is Jungkook. Can i come in?"

Taehyung stood up wiping his tears pretending he didn't saw anything nor he cried because of what he saw few minutes ago.

He carefully opens the door and Jungkook enters his room.

"Happy Birthday Taehyung." Jungkook smiles like a good actor he is.

Taehyung didn't look at him in the eyes and says,

"Thank you Jungkook. Uhmmm I I -have to go downstairs to entertain the guests.

"Uhmmm I see."Jungkook saw the sadness in his eyes.

"But before you go down can I have a kiss?"

Taehyung paused.

"Uhmm I really have to go Jungkook I'm sorry." Taehyung was about to open the door when Jungkook back hugged him.

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