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"Get up, get up, we have work to do!" My mother drew back my curtains, rendering me temporarily blind

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"Get up, get up, we have work to do!" My mother drew back my curtains, rendering me temporarily blind. 

"But mother," I moaned, shielding my eyes. 

"Don't tell me you've forgotten," My mother stared at me in disbelief. 

"Forgotten what?" I yawned, utterly confused. 

"Today is the day you leave for the palace, young lady," My mother waggled her slender finger in my face. 

My heart fell to my feet. I hadn't realized that the 'big day' would catch up to us so soon. 

I turned away from my mother and pulled the duvet over my head in an attempt to go back to sleep and avoid my impending doom. 

"Get up, Madeline. I don't have time for this," My mother snapped, pulling off the duvet. 

I sighed before obeying, rolling out of bed before my mother did something more violent. 


I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My mother had attempted to make me look 'presentable'. She dressed me in a cap sleeved canary colored day dress, that was cinched at the waist and fanned out at the bottom. My hair was done up in an elaborate bun, accessorized with pearls. 

"Chin up, Madeline," Caroline's voice startled me. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm just trying to help," Caroline huffed, tucking a stray strand of hair in place. 

"I wish you were going in my place," I sighed. 

"I really don't understand you, Madeline. You act so...so different. This is a chance of a lifetime, Madeline. Do you know how many girls would kill to get the chance to meet Prince Carlos?" Caroline demanded, her eyes glistening. She was obviously still hung up about the fact that she wasn't allowed to participate. 

"I just want to have a choice," I whispered. I didn't know why I was trying to explain myself to Caroline. She wouldn't understand. She was the perfect example of a lady. 

Caroline shook her head, her eyes connecting with mine in the mirror. "You always have a choice, Madeline. You just have to know which one is the right one." 

With that, Caroline left me alone in the room. I angrily wiped away the tears that had involuntarily appeared on my cheeks. 


"Now, Madeline, remember all you learnt," My mother said, straightening my dress. 

"And what's your goal?" Caroline asked, raising a perfect eyebrow. 

I rolled my eyes, prepared to turn away when my mother gave me a stern look. "To get sent home at The Cut, not get kicked out in disgrace."

"Good. Now, chest out- don't slouch. Put your chin up," My mother ordered and I reluctantly obeyed.  

The carriage stopped at the horseshoe path that encircled the fountain in front of my family's manor. I watched as the maids carried the trunks of new clothes, shoes and jewelry and offloaded them into the carriage. It took all my energy not to pull up my dress and flee into the woods. 

"Just don't disgrace us, Madeline," My mother said, her eyes pleading. I nodded. What was the worst I could do? 

I slowly walked towards the carriage and took the footman's hand as he helped me inside. As the carriage moved, I watched as the place I'd called home became smaller and smaller, until it was just a tiny dot. 


The carriage jostled violently, waking me up from my peaceful slumber. I had no idea how long it'd been since we left, but my stomach grumbled anxiously and I wondered how long it would take before we reached the palace. I realized that some sort of excitement had mixed with the utter fear I felt. It had been almost 7 years since I'd been at the palace and all I remember about the colossal structure was that it was beautiful and had immaculate food, which sounded very good since I hadn't eaten since breakfast at the manor. 

I pulled back the velvet curtains and peered out the window. We were in the countryside now, farms and fields covered the horizon. But, if I narrowed my eyes and peered carefully, I could make out what looked like a turret. We were close to the city.  

The wind outside the carriage was very strong and I couldn't resist it. My mother had scolded me a billion times for sticking my head out of carriage windows. She claimed that it was not only unbecoming, it was dangerous. But, my mother wasn't there to scold me so nothing was holding me back. 

I gripped onto the window ledge and stuck my head out, letting out a relieved breath. The wind was fresh and cool and as strands of my hair broke out of the bun and whipped in my face, I let out an excited shriek, causing the coachman to turn, giving me a panicked look. 

"My Lady, I suggest you put your head back in," His voice cut off by the wind. 

I laughed once more, only obliging because I was out of breath and the coachman looked awfully terrified. 

I settled in my seat, content. But, nothing could still the fear and anger that I felt. I didn't want to go to the palace and I certainly didn't want to pretend to be a lady in front of obnoxious Nobles' Daughters and the royal family. 


As time crawled on, the amount of farms and fields decreased and we came closer to the city. I was breath taken at the different types of people that occupied the market place. They were dressed in a variety of clothes and looked like they were from different corners of the globe. Each person looked like they had a unique story to tell and I wanted to hear them desperately. 

Soon, we were in the middle of the pulsing city. Shops lined the streets and carriages avoided each other on the roads. I marveled at the different pastries displayed in front of a bakery and my mouth watered ravenously. 

But nothing could compare to what it felt when I saw it. The palace was ginormous, it towered over the carriage and its numerous towers and turrets looked like they were piercing through the sky. The palace was made of silver and marble and was the most beautiful structure I'd ever laid eyes on. My jaw dropped involuntarily and my eyes widened as the carriage drew closer to the entrance. 

As the carriage stopped, my heart began to beat faster. There were only 2 possible outcomes of my arrival at the palace. I could be sent home in disgrace for not being a Lady, or I could fail gracefully at wooing the prince and get sent home at The Cut. I desperately hoped I remembered enough of my mother's teachings for it to be the latter. 

Hey guys! Summer is almost over but I promise I'll try my best to upload chapters daily

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Hey guys! Summer is almost over but I promise I'll try my best to upload chapters daily. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Also, stay safe and don't catch corona! XOXO.

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