Chapter 4

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The beeps of video games and the white noise of conversation filled Elizabeth's ears. The dimly lit arcade was full of people looking for easy fun on a Saturday evening. People of all ages ran around the rows of games with tokens in their hands, trying to earn as many tickets as possible. Many sets of parents had a beer in hand, hanging out at the bar while their children tired themselves out. Lizzie held a paper cup of tokens in her hands. Sure, it wasn't the wisest decision for someone of her financial state to blow money on arcade games, but she hadn't gone out and had fun in months, and she deserved it. She so badly wanted to run over to play Dance Dance Revolution, but both Jane and Charlotte insisted that she wait.

"They were supposed to be here five minutes ago." Lizzie crossed her arms and slumped back in her chair.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon, Lizzie." Jane said from beside her.

"Be patient, Liz." said Charlotte.

Jane and Charles had been texting each other nonstop since the night of the party about a week ago. Lizzie was happy to see her sister so happy in a blooming relationship. Despite that, Lizzie didn't think she'd be on their first date. The arcade date was originally just supposed to be Jane and Charles. However, a couple hours before, Jane had come begging Lizzie to come with her, as she was too nervous to go on her own. Elizabeth, unable to resist her sweet sister, and also tempted by the idea of playing games all night, agreed to go. It was only after Elizabeth agreed that Jane told her that Darcy and Caroline were coming. In Elizabeth's desperation to not be caught talking with either one of them while Jane and Charles went off and frollicked, Elizabeth managed to convince Charlotte to come also.

Elizabeth inhaled. The arcade smelled like beer and air conditioning. "I bet Caroline and Darcy would hate it here," Elizabeth said, "They probably won't like to be here with us common folk."

Her sister shot her a disapproving look. "Lizzie, Caroline is actually really nice," she said, "I've been texting her, and she's been nothing but kind. I think you two just got off on the wrong foot."

Lizzie huffed. She was already sure that Caroline thought of her as inferior, but she'd be civil for the sake of her sister. Elizabeth had stalked Caroline Bingley on social media. Caroline had over a million followers on Instagram and was formerly a contestant on the Bachelor. Most of her photos were of her at the beach in several different countries, trips that must have cost more money than Elizabeth would earn in her lifetime. However, despite the major differences between herself and the instagram influencer, Elizabeth was convinced that Caroline looked like an angel next to Darcy.

"What about Darcy?" Elizabeth asked.

Jane pursed her lips and frowned. She obviously was hoping that Lizzie wouldn't touch on the fact that she said nothing about him. "We might have just misunderstood him," Jane said, "Maybe he was just having a bad day."

"Even so, it doesn't justify him insulting me."

Charlotte nodded in agreement.

Jane looked at Lizzie sympathetically. "I understand, but I think that everyone deserves a second chance."

Elizabeth huffed and said no more, staring into her cup of arcade tokens. The two eldest Bennet sisters were very close to one another, but differed greatly in personality. Jane was soft spoken, good at compromising, and always looked to see the good in people. Lizzie, on the other hand, was headstrong, opinionated, and believed in first impressions. Besides, her first impressions were usually right.

A familiar voice cried out from behind them. "Hello, everybody! Sorry we're late."

Elizabeth turned to see Charles, who grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

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