Chapter 17

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Despite the awful conversations she had with Catherine De Bourgh at dinner, Elizabeth continued to go into the office with Charlotte. She had debated not going, but had decided that she'd work better in a place full of other people working, even if Catherine De Bourgh was breathing down her neck. That morning she had settled in the spare desk and began writing her first article about the protest she attended. It wasn't long into the morning when her phone buzzed in her pocket. She finished typing her sentence before fishing her phone from her pocket. She read the notification.

Oliver De Bourgh, 10:47 AM: You good after last night? I know my aunt can be brutal.

Elizabeth smiled and texted back.

Lizzie, 10:48 AM: I'm fine, but I'm more worried about you. I can't believe your aunt said all of that to you.

Oliver De Bourgh, 10:48 AM: She's always been like that. I've learned to tune it out.

Throughout the day, Lizzie and Oliver texted. Elizabeth would pick up her phone between breaks in working and respond, and Oliver would respond when he could. It made working in the high-pressure office environment a little less stifling. At one point, a question occurred to Elizabeth. She sent it before she could talk herself out of it.

Lizzie, 4:34 PM: Are you friends with Darcy?

Oliver's response came quickly.

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:34 PM: Yeah, we've been friends since we were kids. Why do you ask?

Lizzie, 4:35 PM: No reason.

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:35 PM: LB, don't lie to me. I can tell that you don't like him.

Elizabeth swallowed nervously. She couldn't tell if he was mad or not over text. She typed out her response.

Lizzie, 4:35 PM: That obvious?

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:35 PM: Don't worry, I totally get it. As much as I love him, Darcy can be a little bit hard to warm up to.

Lizzie breathed out a sigh of relief.

Lizzie, 4:36 PM: Right? I first met him at a party. The whole time, he just stood to the side and frowned at everyone.

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:36 PM: That sounds about right.

He texted again before she could respond.

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:36 PM: Darcy's a good guy once you get to know him, though. Seriously, he'd do anything for his friends.

Lizzie rolled her eyes. This seemed doubtful, based on what George Wickham had told her.

Lizzie, 4:37 PM: For example?

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:37 PM: My aunt, when I came out, threatened to never talk to me again. Darcy talked her out of it.

Lizzie softened. Maybe Darcy wasn't all evil.

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:37 PM: And recently, he got one of his best friends out of a bad relationship.

Elizabeth stared at the screen, gears turning in her head. Her face dropped into a frown.

Lizzie, 4:39 PM: Wow. Who was his friend?

Oliver De Bourgh, 4:39 PM: Charles Bingley. Now that I think about it, you probably met him.

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