Chapter 27

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It hadn't taken long for Jane and Charles to make everything official again. One date, and they were head over heels for each other once again. They had gone to see a play hosted at Meryton's local theatre, and when Jane got back, she couldn't stop smiling. That same night, Jane changed her facebook relationship status to taken. For the rest of the week following, they hung out together every night, sometimes out on the town, and other times at Charles' penthouse. Elizabeth loved seeing her sister so happy and full of joy, though every time Jane returned from a date, she'd give Lizzie that same pitiful look.

Elizabeth was fine, and she assured her sister several times that she was. Her and Darcy never had a relationship. Things had already ended before they had even begun, and Elizabeth had settled with that result. She wasn't going to dwell on the past any longer. She was going to continue what she's been wanting to do for years - get out of her parents' house and live on her own. However, Elizabeth had reevaluated her goal. She had no hopes of moving out of her home working as an independent journalist, no matter how much she enjoyed being her own boss, so for the first time in years, she had started job hunting.

She applied to several jobs across the West Coast and waited anxiously for replies. The job prospect that interested her most was to be an environmental consultant for the San Francisco government. Her trip to the city, though short and chaotic, made her love the city. The position was everything she wanted to do with her degree. She'd be analyzing data and helping to make legislation to keep San Francisco clean. It paid well too. Her resume had passed the test and she had done an online interview over video chat with the head of the Environmental Department. Now, she just had to wait to see if she got it.

Elizabeth had forgotten the stress of constantly checking her email from her college days when she'd check over and over to see if she got a part time job or scholarship. Now, Elizabeth couldn't seem to go five minutes without checking her phone for some sort of message. It was only when Jane forcefully took her phone away and made her watch the latest episode of Jeopardy! that Elizabeth finally started to relax.

Lizzie had always been the best at Jeopardy in her family. While not everybody watched it, occasionally, people would join her. It was then that Elizabeth would run whole categories without giving others even a chance to answer. Mary would often try to compete the most, coming in with full confidence, but always losing. Elizabeth knew that it frustrated her little sister, but Elizabeth liked to win.

The episode was almost over when the doorbell rang. It was nearly 7:30, so it was too late for the mail. They weren't expecting anybody either. Mrs. Bennet opened the door, and before she could even greet the visitor, a voice familiar only to Lizzie rang into the house.

"Is this the residency of Eliza Bennet?" Catherine De Bourgh said, "I need to speak to her immediately."

Elizabeth shot up from her seat on the couch and ran over to the door before her mother could say anything she might regret. "I'm right here, Ms. De Bourgh."

"I need to speak to you, this instant."

Elizabeth gave her mom a reassuring look. "Do you want to come inside? We can get you water, if you'd like."

Catherine De Bourgh shook her head. "No, let's talk outside. I don't want to breathe in dust."

Lizzie ignored the jab at her home and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. She walked to the driveway, the esteemed lawyer following her. This way, her family couldn't eavesdrop.

"Your house is very quaint, Eliza," she said, "I can't imagine that you love living there with so many people."

Elizabeth smiled politely. "I love living with my sisters, thank you for your concern, though."

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