Chapter 28

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Elizabeth entered her room, her face hot from her argument with Catherine De Bourgh just moments before. She flung herself onto her bed and pushed her face as deep as she could into a pillow. She then screamed at the top of her lungs, letting the pillow muffle and absorb her anger. Catherine De Bourgh had the audacity to insult her and her entire family, and most of all, use her sister's traumatic experience as an argument. If she didn't turn away from the snotty attorney when she did, she might have started yelling.

Despite the scream into her pillow, Elizabeth could still feel anger bubbling in her chest. She was about ready to repeat her action when a loud ding sounded from next to her. She pulled her face from the pillow and turned to her side, where her phone was sitting on her bed. She picked it up and looked at the screen. There was one notification. She squinted at it, reading.

Email from the San Francisco Environment Department.

Elizabeth shrieked and sat up in her bed, hastily punching in the digits of her phone passcode. Catherine De Bourgh's unwelcome visit had completely pushed Elizabeth's potential job offer out of her mind. She opened her mail app and the email. She steadied her breath and slowly read the text out loud to herself.

"Dear Elizabeth Bennet... Thank you for applying for the job of environmental consultant, as you know, we had many applicants and only one spot..." Elizabeth's stomach dropped as she continued to read, her voice becoming a whisper. "You did extremely well in the interview, and we'd like to have you on our team..." Her eyes widened and she stood, phone still in hand, "You'll start in a week, there are more details attached about everything you'll need to bring on your first day."

Elizabeth dropped her phone onto her bed, letting it bounce before it settled in her crumpled blanket. She jumped up and down and squealed, throwing her hands in the air. Her mood flipped in seconds, and she could no longer think about Catherine De Bourgh.

Her bedroom door swung open, revealing her entire family standing behind it. In front of the pack was Jane, who looked at her in concern. "Are you okay, Lizzie?"

Elizabeth couldn't control her wide smile. "I got the job," she said, "I'm moving to San Francisco!"

Jane broke out into a smile and ran over to Elizabeth, pulling her into a hug. They squeezed each other tight as they cheered. When they finally let go, Elizabeth noticed the rest of her family staring at them in confusion. The person she had told about her job hunt was Jane.

Elizabeth looked at her family, the uncontrollable smile still on her face. "I got a job as an environmental consultant for the government of San Francisco," she said, "I'm moving out!"

Mrs. Bennet squealed and clapped her hands together, "Congratulations, Lizzie!" she said. "I always knew that you were destined to go far."

The rest of Elizabeth's sisters erupted in cheers also, congratulating Elizabeth and hugging her.

Mr. Bennet cleared his throat, silencing everybody. Elizabeth looked at her father.

"When do you start?" he asked.

"In a week."

He frowned. "I'm going to be sad to see you go, Lizzie," he said, "But I am so proud of you." A bittersweet tone filled his voice.

Elizabeth practically launched herself into her father's embrace. She wrapped her arms around him and he hugged her tightly, loving arms squeezing her.

"I love you so much, Dad."

"I love you too, Lizzie."

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